Wednesday 23 September 2020

& I'm feeling good...

Wednesday 23rd September 2020
"If you knew time as well as I do," said the Hatter, "you wouldn't talk about wasting it!"

Morning luvly, how you feeling? What ya thinking?  How did you feel when you woke up this morning?  I woke up feeling positive and refreshed, for the first time in quite a while I found myself singing as I put the kettle on to make our cuppa.  

I've always told my members, 'it's okay to have a pity party, just don't unpack and live there!'  Well I've had mine and I'm done with it, it's been an ugly couple of months, there are things I can't change that I'm not happy with but there's so much more I can do and I'm doing it or working on doing it.  I might have been floored for a while, but I ain't staying down.  

I'm excited again, I love that, I've got my finances under control, mentioned yesterday about saving more money, hundreds of pounds too (if you want to know how, give me a shout, I'll happily let ya know, or ask me next time you see me). 

My shopping came yesterday, gotta confess there to spending more than my weekly budget BUT lol, there's always justification for spending money, it was in a good cause, I bought lots of spices to experiment again, it's something that connects me and my sister so it's worth everything penny.  I'll be able to cook a meal for both of us this week, saving her one cooking session, her hubbies off work this week and she's having to feed him lol.

I wasn't going to mention the changes with Covid from yesterday but they happened, it is what it is, I'm not going to notice much difference to me personally as I don't really go anywhere! My sister comes round as mom's carer and we only overlap in the doorway, as I arrive - she leaves.  I'm gutted that we're not going  to be able to have 'sit down' workshops for at least 6 months by the sounds of it, but ...   well I won't finish that sentence but those that know me can probably guess what I'd have written.

I'm gonna leave it there, I've got lots to do today, hoping to fit in some cooking, then I'm at St Albans tonight 5-6 for Express weigh-ins. 

Have a great day, stay positive, luv ya lots 


Love me xx



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