Wednesday 16 September 2020

100 days! OUCH!

Wednesday 16th September 2020
Decide what's truly important to you.

Oh my days -----

Christmas 2020
Friday, 25 December
  • (in 100 days)

Can you believe it!  This year has been a crazy one and to think we're this close to Christmas is ridiculous, especially as it's looking as if for most it's going to be a very, different kind of Christmas this year.

This is the time of year that at WW we'd be asking members what do you want to achieve by then?  Members would be thinking about how much weight they want to lose and so the cycle continues, we lose some ready to regain it at Christmas! 

How about this year instead of thinking of numbers, you think about how you want to feel this Christmas.

If the numbers are the most important thing to you, then here's a question to ask yourself, 

"Why is it important?" and keep asking yourself the question until you get to the real reason to lose some weight - it might help you actually do it this time!

Be realistic too, how many of the next 100 days are you going to be able to be 'on it', 'in the zone', 'on track'?  You're gonna have days where you are 100% on fire and nothings gonna stop you and you're gonna have days when you don't even want to get out of bed!  Why?  Because you're human!  

Going back to the fact this is a really strange year, is that likely to motivate you to take care of yourself even more or is it going to put you in a 'What's the point?' mindset?  How do we find some balance between the two.  100 days, that's 14 Monday mornings, 14 weekends, do you have days when you're likely to eat healthier than others, wouldn't it help to realise this and plan for it.  

Be your own expert!  I can offer you some prompts or a bit of guidance, but you know you better than anyone.

What are you not willing to live without for the next 100 days?
What are you willing to include?
Are you willing to move a little more?
What healthy foods do you really enjoy eating that you can add to your shopping list?
Are you willing to downsize your plate size?
Could you do a couple of veggie days a week?

Think about the things you can do, that you know will help you be the version of you that would make you happier and healthier.  

How do you want to feel? 

Once you know the answer to that question, you can work backwards from there and decide what you can do to help you feel that way.  

Think about what you want - not what you don't want!  Let's focus on the positive, what feels good, what you want, let's not think about what you don't want, that negative mindset isn't going to help you achieve anything. 

I want a calmer, quieter life where I help others.  Right now I'm lying on my bed with my dog lying next to me, enjoying not rushing to get out of bed in the morning, grateful that moms lying in her bed too!

I want to eat delicious, healthy meals which means I need to make time to cook most days, that doesn't mean complex recipes, hell beans of toast is delicious and healthy - oh and vegetarian for those of you who read the suggestion of a couple of veggie days a week and though, ew no!  egg and chips and cheese on toast are veggie meals.  

Until you know what you actually want - you'll likely to keep going round in circles, losing weight, gaining weight, thinking and believing life will be wonderful when your a size.......

It won't be!  There's much more to a happy life that the numbers on a set of scales or the size on the tag in your clothes.

Spend today thinking about that, I know I will. 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 

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