Sunday 23 August 2020

The honeymoon period didn't last long!

Saturday 23rd August 2020
Will it be easy - HELL NO! Worth it - Oh it really will.

Well the honeymoon period was good why it lasted!  I found last week so easy to stay on track, but this is where reality kicks in, every week isn't going to FEEL easy, every week I won't be 'IN THE ZONE', some weeks I'll FEEL hungrier, some weeks I'll be trying to climb over the fence to get out the zone.  Those will be the times where I sit talking to myself in my head, 'I want more wine', 'no you don't, you went without last week and you've got to work on a virtual in the morning', 'I hate this crap that is life right now', 'yeah but suck it up bird, there's folk out there with worse!'.  And so it went for an hour yesterday, but I can thankfully say I made it through the day finishing on 28SP and earning 11 FitPoints, there was wine involved but it was enjoyed and controlled. 

It's been my first week back in my Express Workshops and it's been a little surreal, I've loved seeing members but hated not being able to natter for ages and have the natter and chat in the talk, I've struggled to work out who some were because of those damn masks, I really, really miss how things were, but at the same time, I prefer this to not being able to interact with my members at all.

When I got back home, I made a video to let folk know How did I do at the scales! whilst I cooked my butternut squash risotto, the recipe is in the comments on this video.  Got to survive another week now!

This is the risotto when finished, I'd put a good 10g of parmesan on next time to add more cheesy flavour or even pop a cheese triangle in the middle, but yeah I liked it, I've popped the other three portions in the freezer.  Oh and that salad was the pots I put up on Monday so they kept 5 or 6 days, I'd go with 5 days. 

I then spent some time planning today's virtual workshop topic which is all about breakfast, once I'd done that, I was hungry - I had a hungry day yesterday and I can eat a lot of food to fill me up, so I decided to have what I'd sometimes eat for breakfast for my tea, it was delicious for 3SP, the jury is still out on frozen mushrooms, I don't think I'd buy them again if I'm honest, but with a bit of salt on they did the job. 

Oh those tomatoes were amazing, I'm funny about tomatoes, not keen on tomato based recipes but these, well now you're talking, I could eat these and yes they were £1 for a tin but if it's the difference between eating them and not, well.....

As I've said I'll be talking breakfast this morning, here's a few facts to get you thinking in advance of that!  I eat breakfast so who knows what I'd weigh if I didn't lol. 

Mom had a real clingy day yesterday, when I took Alfie for his second walk, I had a notification from the camera in the living room and I could see she was restless and standing looking out the window, so I called her on the phone and talked to her as we walked back home, I knew if I didn't she'd get more wound up and probably call my sister.  Every time I left the room to go and do something, she'd shout 'Bev, where are you?' and the poor love has had a night of bad dreams, up at 4am, but bless her she's settled next to me now, so hopefully she'll have a better day today.   No wonder I wanted another glass of wine lol, it wouldn't have made the situation any easier though.

I'm wanting to do some cooking from the new Jamie book but all the recipes serve 4 and not all of them can be frozen I don't think, it's so frustrating, then some ingredients only need 1 tablespoon of something so then you're left with a tub or jar of something that doesn't keep - it's quite frustrating isn't it.  My shopping bill has been more expensive the last two weeks but some of the ingredients I've been buying will last a while so hopefully that'll balance out a little over time.  

I've got a few recipes to cook from this book instead this week; 

It's on sale too on the WW website if you fancy it, don't forget to use my coach code if ordering, message me for it

I haven't done my gratitude thanks for the last couple of days, maybe that's what's missing, it'll refocus me, so what am I thankful for this morning?  

- That once I'd got mom safely in her chair at 4am and done her a drink, she went back to sleep and I was able to snooze a little longer.
- That lots of my members returned to their workshops supporting me, their health and the future of the workshops. 
- That I noticed the clouds in the sky as I was doing my yoga this morning, it was a really special moment as I was mid pose, really calming.
- That I resisted the second half of the bottle yesterday which means I got a blue dot.
- That first mug of tea, it really is the best.

Anyway, I need to get dressed, get Alfie walked and get online in the Stafford Connect Zoom call for my 10am virtual (on from 9.30).

Hope to see some of you, it's the only one I'm doing at the moment and I'm working on my day off to make sure you get the opportunity of a workshop with your own coach!  

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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