Sunday 16 August 2020

Heaviest I've ever been! But feeling optimistic!

Sunday 15th August 2020
You are what you do, not what you say you'll do! 

Well I enjoyed the virtual yesterday and had a bit of a chat with Elle and Kate my co-host coaches before anyone jumped on and I admitted that I'd just got on the scales and I was the heaviest I'd ever been 13st 8lb (with my sandals on, pound lighter without them).  And all Elle said was 'How do you feel about it?' and I think my reply was simply 'I don't know'.  However as we did the actual workshop and we were all talking about the effect of poor sleep has on us and how we can improve the quality of sleep we actually manage to get, that I started having all these thoughts going through my head so when it came to the point of asking member what they were going to focus on, I started by saying I was going to track 100% to give me a wake up call because I'm obviously not doing the plan at all - pointing foods doesn't mean you're following the plan if you're not tracking them and staying within your allowance.  I promised to log in next week after I've done my Express Weigh-in and catch the last 5 or 10 minutes to let them know if I did it!  Seeing Emma (member) looking tired and telling us that she'd had a drink or three last night, then hearing her tell us that she rarely drinks now and has seen improvement in her sleep, not to mention the 2 stone weight loss was just one more nod to me that I know I need to cut down on the wine.  I've read and listened to lots of things about habits lately and alcohol was covered, I also know drinking doesn't help with menopausal hot flushes, you can only put your fingers in your ears so for long before realising something needs to change. 

When the Zoom ended, I came downstairs and sat in my chair next to mom who started to fall asleep in her chair so  I crept and sat in the garden to make a little live video to post in my Group to own up to how I'd been behaving and it helped to talk about it.  Next I thought, I'll do me a meal plan, that will help me stay on track, I've got food coming from Marlie's Menu which I've pointed so I can fit it all in if I think about it. 

After Marlie's had dropped my food off, I got my laptop out and started planning, to help me do it, I made a spreadsheet and then did a list of the contents of my cupboard and freezer and the points in the foods, this didn't take that long and was so worthwhile as it'll help with my online shopping over the next few week; 

Then I used this information to help me plan my meals for the week ahead, I was going to write of Saturday and start today because I'd already almost eaten my daily allowance yesterday before 10am!  Instead I reset my app to make my weigh day Saturday, my plan to Blue and I inputted the food I'd already had, the breakfast would've been brunch anyway, but there was some leftover beef on the side and I'd been picking at it which cost me a good 7, I could only guess the points as I'd already eaten it.  

I'm all set up for the week now, I've got points spare each day for milk and other bits, I've also got my weeklies, I didn't have any wine yesterday and I'm going to see if it affects my sleep not drinking.  I do enjoy wine but I don't want it to have an impact on my health so if I need to cut it down to sleep better with the hours I have available to me, then so be it.  

I'm going to practice what I preach this week, I've got ten Express workshops and one Virtual workshop to run this week, I need energy and rest, so wish me luck. 

Oh and if you've been struggling, how about you ask yourself what do you need to admit to, what do you need to do to get you back on it?  I can't keep gaining weight because of my moms behaviour, it's hard enough living with dementia without giving myself health problems on top of everything else!  I'm watching her eat herself to death, she can barely walk about, it takes ages for her to get her breathe back and Friday morning she said eating biscuits for breakfast and then said 'I feel sick', well I wonder why!

I'm really looking forward to my virtual workshop this morning because I'm talking about my favourite subject of the moment, habits, I've noticed the differences they've made to me focusing on them and researching them over the last month or so.  I'd love to see you all at 10am to hear what I've got to say as this is the only one I'm doing now, you'll find the link in the Stafford Connect Group on the WW app.

This was my tea last night, it was epic, 
11SP vegetable lasagne and salad from Marlie's Menu, I'd have never bought radish, I will now, I remember them being hot but these were good.  I wished I'd got some more salad, but my shopping doesn't come till Tuesday, so I'll have to wait.  I did enjoy this salad dressing spray that the lovely McKnight's got for me; 
I ended my day on 30SP, completely wine free, so managed to pull it back as I'd had 19SP before 10am, 

Right I'm off, oh did I sleep better?  Yeah I did, mom wanted to go to bed early so we were upstairs for 8, it probably too her an hour to settle, but once she did, I've only woken a couple or three times, I woke at 4ish but managed to go back to sleep till my alarm went off at 6.  Was that all because I didn't have wine - NO, it was also because mom had a better night and the temperature was cooler, plus I was exhausted from all the lack of sleep over the last week.  Did me not having wine make a difference, yes I think it did, I'd be fooling myself if I said it didn't!

So here's to another good day, my meals are planned, so I don't have to think about any of it, 

Spinach & cheese omelette 3
tinned tomatoes  0
Marlies menu
Stifado  8
swede & potato mash 3
cabbage 1
lentil dhal stuff 1
from freezer
Already I'm contemplating changing and swapping Monday breakfast with today's but actually as I fancied fruit and yogurt, I can actually have both!  The 0% yogurt is free and I've got an apple with is a little soft so I can't eat it without camouflaging it in something!  I'll then have the omelette after my virtual and my dinner can be later, then the dhal will be there for when and if I get the munchies later today. 

Here's to making it through the day on track regardless of mom's mood and behaviour, I can no longer rely on her having good days because sadly they are so very rare.

See some of you at 10 I hope!  Otherwise I'll catch up with you at an Express Workshop this week, but make sure you still get on a virtual workshop too.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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