Wednesday 5 August 2020

Getting ready to return!

Wednesday 5th August 2020 
Not all your thoughts are true.

Well if all fails with my job, I know I could be a carer because I can now handle stuff, I never thought I would ever be able to!  Mom's had a pretty poorly week since Sunday bless her and that all adds to her confusion but she's managing to rest which can only be a good thing.  We won't go into details lol, you don't need that kind of image in your head at this time of the morning, actually at any time!  You do wish you could see the sunrise I'm looking at though, it's absolutely glorious, still pink clouds with grey clouds moving across in front of them on a pale grey blue sky, it's exquisite and a glorious colour combination, no wonder people use pink and grey together so often.  Nature has the best colour palette for sure. 

Yesterday was a productive day, Alfie and I got two walks in, I spent an hour sorting my stock in the shed ready for my workshops Thursday, I'd forgotten what to do, I've gone from being a WW machine to standing there thinking erm what else.  It'll soon come back to me I know, I'm going today to set the room up so I don't have to rush in the morning, workshop starts at 8.15 and I'll have to clean it first so that means leaving at 7.30 without the setting up!  

I cooked the cauli and the green beans yesterday and had them in my lentil curry sauce, it was good, I'm thinking I fancy spaghetti today maybe, mmm with a simple tomato sauce, that's not usually my cup of tea but I've just seen a pic of similar, knowing me I might change my mind by lunchtime!  Eggs for breakfast sound good though, I haven't had scrambled eggs for a bit and I have an English muffin to go with them mmm, one of my favs. 

I did a little video yesterday to get you thinking, if you missed it I said, did you know 45% of our behaviour is habitual! What behaviours or habits do you have that are leading you towards a healthier life? Which would you like to have? And finally what habits or behaviours do you have that are leading you away from your healthier life? Being observant and aware is a great place to start!
Obviously as this is something I've been working on over the last 4 months, here are some habits I've been working on building; Doing yoga every morning (done since April 18th) Eating a little fruit each day, pick a piece up when I first put kettle on (couple months) Meditating a little when I've done my yoga (about 3 or 4 weeks) Having a drink of water when finished yoga (about a month) Writing a gratitude post every evening at 4pm(ish) (done since 13th July) Eating 0% natural yogurt (week 3) Standing on one leg whilst cleaning teeth - one minute on each, it's good for your balance (day 5) Getting 30 minutes of activity a day (in any way) day 4 Getting my food spend lower and under control. Weekly shop has helped this massively. I only shop online once a week now, occasionally I'll ask my sister to pick me up something if I've forgotten. Using the contents of my freezer instead of using it as a museum where leftovers go to live! Being more mindful, being in the moment, paying attention. This will take a lot longer to master!

All these habits whether small or big are helping me be better than before, I want to make new habits and have those behaviours that I do even on my hardest days because they're so automatic I'm zombie like in doing them.  Heck if 45% of what I do is automatic, I want it to be a helpful 45%!  

What small habit could you introduce into your daily routine that would take you a little closer to a healthier version of you?  I'll leave you with that thought?  

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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