Tuesday 14 July 2020


Tuesday 14th July 2020
Don't overlook life's small joys while searching for the big ones.

A pretty good day yesterday, bit of a disturbed night but nothing I couldn't handle.   I'm doing my best to  focus on the positives and be grateful for the good, I know it's only been a couple of days but I do feel better for it.  

I've started to wrote a list of what stresses my out and I'm going to work with that to help me get to a calmer place.  I can't change moms disease but I can be calmer about how I handle it.  The calmer I can get myself, the more patience I will have.  Another yoga followed by meditation session this morning. 

I've mentioned that this week we're talking habits, well here's a fabulous habit you could start, Give yourself a compliment every day. Or finish this sentence “I love myself because __________.”  And if you're not quite ready for that, smile at yourself in the mirror.  

With everything that's happened in the world this year, you should really love yourself, so far your body has protected you from this deadly virus, how amazing is it really.  Okay it might be heavier than you'd like but WOW, it really is incredible!    

I've realised thinking 'I should' lose weight is one of the things that adds to my stress, the word SHOULD always adds pressure to any thoughts you have and for me the SHOULD is partly because of the job I do, I don't think I'd be concerned about the numbers at all if it wasn't that I am a WW coach.  I'm more interested in the healthy, as long as I feel well, am taking care of myself, eating well most of the time, then the numbers are okay where they are.  

I need to save my energy for the things that cause stress that are out of my control.  I found this image on Facebook last night and it's so true. 

When I'm stressed out, I tend to eat, so if I work on reducing my stress levels it's got to be a good thing.  So worrying about losing weight stresses me out which then causes me to eat and I'll never lose weight!   Time to change the pattern for sure.  

I lost 1/2lb this week, I've eaten some of moms treats without beating myself up about it, I've had something to eat when I'm hungry and also when I fancy it.  I obviously have maintenance sussed as I weigh more or less the same as I did when Lockdown started back in March.

Anyways, I'm waffling, trying to multitask with a conversation with Lynne and now Alfie is hounding me for a walk, I'm working at 8 so I need to get on.  Catch some of you in a bit on virtual. 

Mwah, luv y a

Love me x

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