Tuesday 7 July 2020

She had the best day!

Tuesday 7th July 2020
Just be your own BeYOUtiful unique self. 

I don't think I've ever started writing my blog this late, it's 7.40 and I'm on virtual zoom 8-9!  Anyways, we had the bestest day yesterday, the only slight dip was the hour I had to spend convincing her to go to the dentist, but she went and was so brave, 20 minutes later and 4 teeth extracted and we were ready to return to her birthday.  Such wonderful thoughts sent from so many through cards and gifts and visits, I can't thank everyone enough for making her feel so special.  She was buzzing right until the minute I managed to convince her we needed to go to bed, that was about 9.30 and bless her for leaving me till 5.30 when she came and sat on my bed to tell me she wanted me to look after her birthday money for her because she's worried all night about losing it.  As tired as I was yesterday, I didn't care because she was just so happy.

Things I learned yesterday (as if I didn't already know them huh), I just can't resist certain foods when they're lying on the table between us, especially when I know they're the things she's likely to leave anyways.  Let's just say no way will I lose weight this week after what I ate yesterday and what's still in the house!  Oh but the best was Lucy bringing me a MacDonalds, I don't even know if I've had one this year at all but it was good, so good, that sauce on the big mac if off the scale, I'd have it with everything if they sold it in bottles in the supermarket.

Thankfully I've shopped sensibly, my delivery comes today and I'll do my best to limit the damage for the rest of the week.  I've just had a muffin with egg and advocado and mushroom, it wasn't all that this morning to be honest which just goes to show, eating in a hurry makes food taste not so good unless it's a big mac of course, you have to eat them like someones going to take it off you and it's your last meal - well I do anyway, I eat them like I'm a savage, but then I love to eat with my hands most of the time, knives and forks are overrated.

As I'm rushing so my brains not processing stuff enough to type, I'll just remind you about Marlie's Menu on Facebook again, she's posted this weeks meals, I'm definitely having some more goat, I really loved it. https://www.facebook.com/Marlies-Menu-101865791594540/

Right I'm gonna get off becuase I need to get logged in for work, hope to see some of you, I'm in the Wolverhampton group, 8-9, chat starts at 8.30.  Have a great day xx

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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