Wednesday 29 July 2020

Getting ready to return to workshops

29th July 2020 
The relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have. 

Well it's all getting real and looking like I'm going to be back in all of my workshops in August, just got to get all the risk assessments sorted and we should be good to go!  It's all going to be very different, I've posted a video in my group explaining about the masks, cashless system too, I'll be wearing gloves and mask to set up then I'll swap the mask for a visor, it'll all be worth it though to get you all back to where you want to be.  I better enjoy my few days working from my office only!  I'm guessing everyone will be looking for their lightest shoes as you'll be leaving them on too! 

I'm going to do some cooking this morning I think once I've taken Alfie for his walk, hopefully mom will have a snooze so I'll be able to, she's not had a bad night also she says she hasn't slept much I haven't heard her.

Because of what we are talking about in workshops this week, I went online to check the fibre in the bread I have compared to seeded varieties, there wasn't much difference but somehow I accidently must have clicked on purchase a loaf, because when my order arrived yesterday there was a large seeded loaf in addition to my regular one.  I've just had two slices for my breakfast, I've got to say it was nice but it tasted like cake it was that sweet and dense, I've just pointed it and it's 4SP a 50g slice, so my breakfast cost me 8SP for the bread as opposed to the 3SP I'd usually have with my Warburton wholemeal 400g size.  Won't be buying that again and I'll be hoping mom will eat it instead of me!  

She's doing a lot of huffing and puffing this morning so this blog is gonna be short cos I can't concentrate, I managed a couple of hours studying yesterday, I have to grab the chance when she snoozes, there won't be any today, I'm opting for the cooking and I have work work stuff to do too, then I'm on virtual workshop at 5.30 tonight in the Wolverhampton group.

It looks like it's going to be a lovely day so hopefully Alfie will want a decent walk, he's been a little devil this morning, wasn't having any of me doing yoga and meditating this morning, so instead we enjoyed some play time on the yoga mat instead.  That's just as important, being on that mat for me is about taking time for me, to remove myself from the day ahead and to enjoy that time. 

Anyway, I better get off, mom seems agitated this morning so I'm going to try and distract her.  Here's to a great day, whatever you have planned.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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