Wednesday 24 June 2020

Enjoy the sunshine

Wednesday 24th June 2020
No rain, No flowers.

Only a couple of bad hours with mom yesterday and that was because the nurse rang to confirm the appointment today and she heard and refused to go.  She's got it in her head they think she's crazy and want to lock her up and nothing I could say was making a difference.  Eventually she calmed but adamant she wasn't going.  Vicky popped round in the evening to collect her shopping (we share a slot) and mom loves her and when we got onto the topic of the doctors she convinced her to go, whether that'll still be the case today who knows.  But we have a plan, Vicky is going to come half hour before to look after Alfie and to try and remind her she'd agreed to go!  Wish us both luck lol.  Worse case scenario, the nurse has said they'll have to come here but it'll be the end of the week, when I talk to her though I could suggest a zoom call.

I tried to jumpstart my car, it wasn't having any of it, so I had to call out Green Flag, then I drove round in it for an hour once he'd got me going.  Let's hope it starts again today, I' going to try it this morning and drive round the block a couple of times, then I think I'll have to start doing that daily to stop the battery draining again from being left too long. 

As I know right now being a WWer isn't the easiest thing to concentrate on, I'm working on a tweak each week, rather than feeling like I'm failing at the weight loss lark - this week it's focusing on including more zero heroes.   It's building those healthy habits that will help me long term as I know as difficult as this situation with mom is, it won't last forever, so I will use this time to do what I can when I can. 

Yesterday I really enjoyed this; 

 The whole pan was 6SP, that was for the delicious sauce and it was only 50p to buy too, which is a bargain, my sister had got me a bag of stir fry veggies and I had some leftover chicken breast so a good, cheap, quick meal, it was ready in 5 minutes, it'll take longer to wash the pan than it did to cook it. 

I'm going to make a nice salad today, it's going to be a hot one isn't it, plus I want to spend as much time as possible with mom so she's happy when I try and get her to go to the doctors!

It's great to hear that from July 4th you can visit other households, so many people need this, mom loved speaking to Vicky, but if that was doable with Vicky actually being able to sit down and be comfortable, that would be so much better, plus maybe she will want others to visit, hopefully she'll like the carer coming on Friday again, we shall see.

I'm still toying with buying a freezer for my shed because even that stir fry was serves 2, if I had frozen stir fry, I'd be able to just have the portion I wanted, decisions, decisions.  I'd have to tidy the shed up too and make space - that's another consideration. 

Yesterday's virtual workshop saw more faces I haven't seen for a while and I'm so glad members are getting their head back in the game, it's been such a difficult time for everyone, even more of a good reason to focus on a tweak each week.  Ask yourself what can you focus on today that will help you feel better in yourself.  I've just done my yoga which was relaxing, I'm trying to work out ways to relieve the stress that moms illness is causing because that's not going to go away.  Last night I had water instead of wine, because too much alcohol isn't going to help at all.  The yoga is relaxing, as is walking with Vicky, although we're not doing that today because of the doctor thing and trying to not stress mom.

I've just had a google and apparently certain smells can relieve stress, they suggest lighting a candle but I still have some scentsy so I might look see if I have any that match this list; 

  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Vetiver
  • Bergamot
  • Roman chamomile
  • Neroli
  • Frankincense
  • Sandalwood
  • Ylang ylang
  • Orange or orange blossom
  • Geranium

Using scents to treat your mood is called aromatherapy. Several studies show that aromatherapy can decrease anxiety and improve sleep.

Reducing caffeine is an obvious one, I have cut down over the years and drink more water, but have been drinking a few more mugs since working from home so will refocus on that. 

Write it down - One way to handle stress is to write things down.  I already do this, you're reading it!  Blogging helps me get my thoughts and feelings out, I've always been very open and honest about everything that happens in my life, I'm just always surprised anyone wants to read it. 

It's also great to write down things you're grateful for, things that make you smile, that bring joy to your life and sunshine in your world.  I find this really helps on days where everything feels like it's all a big pile of poo!  There's are always positives you just have to look for them a little harder on days like that. 

Oh course an obvious way to reduce stress is to spend time with friends and family which is why so many of us are stressed at this time because we haven't been able too!  Use Zoom, it's the next best thing.  

Laughter is the best medicine and I truly believe this, I love nothing more than to make others laugh and to laugh together with my tribe.

Yoga, mindfulness, deep breathing, listening to soothing music, spending time with your pets, spending time in nature.  Find what works for you because we all get stressed at time. 

After saying all that, I'm feeling pretty chilled this morning, I'm about to have a shower, then gonna walk Alfie before it gets too hot - please don't walk your dogs in the mid day sun, I drove past a lady yesterday, it was much too hot by then.  

Here's to a delicious day, 

Have a good one, hope to see some of you on my virtual workshop 5.30pm (link in Wolverhampton connect group on WW app)

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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