Sunday 28 June 2020

Early one here!

Sunday 28th June 2020
What you tell yourself every day when you wake up will either lift you up or tear you down. 

Well we've been up since 3ish, mom woke up too hot and wanted to get up, she went back to sleep in her chair and is still snoozing, whereas I was wide awake so I've done a lovely yoga session and am now ready for my day, I've a virtual workshop this morning but then the day is mine to do whatever.  Although I know it involves a pile of washing up! 

Another almost stress free day yesterday, she started to turn just before bedtime but thankfully she chose to take herself off to bed and that helped.  It was the tv that affected her though I'm sure of it, I've realised we've been watching much easier to watch, light stuff this week and she's been really good, last night I was watching 'The school that tried to end racism' and this I think was affecting her, not just that she was getting angry about racism but it was also reminding her of when she moved to Wolverhampton from Yorkshire and the children at school were mean to her because of her accent, they gave her a tough time and I think those memories were triggering her mood change.

We'd had a lovely day up till then though, she'd spent money on my credit card buying jigsaws, she'd even been okay whilst I worked upstairs, so yes this week has been 100% better than last week!  Long may it continue.

This weeks technique on the virtual workshop is 'break up with your sitting routine', at first read I was like 'WHAT' but having read it and put it together, I'm like 'Oh yeah, I need to do this!' I will be making a conscious effort this week too, make sure you join us on one of the virtual's to find out all about it.  I'm support Amy this morning at 10 in the Stafford Connect group on the WW app, then mine are throughout the week, 

For Tuesday 8.30am, Wednesday 5.30pm & Saturday 9.45am Use the link in the Wolverhampton Connect group 

For Thursday 8.30am (& I'm supporting Hayley at 10.30am) Use the link in the Dudley & Walsall Connect group 

If you've let your membership lapse, now's a great time to get back to it, check the website for offers, workshops are going to start opening up for weigh-ins from July 5th, not all of them immediately because of venues but the virtual workshops will continue thankfully. 

Ask yourself what do you want to achieve in the second half of this year? 

What habits do you want to form?  What changes do you want to make? 

Working on those healthy behaviours are what will help you succeed.  Be realistic about what you can achieve, what you're capable of doing?  Don't overestimate your future motivation!  It's easy to sit here reading this on a Sunday morning thinking "yeah I'm gonna do this, I'm ready, let's get 2 stone off by Christmas." doing it on the other hand, isn't going to be a walk in the park - although a walk in the park would definitely help and is something you could easily do!

Focus on behaviours you can work on, things like drinking more water, walking 30 minutes a day, eating more zero foods, keep it real.  Choose to work on behaviours you can do on your hardest day!

Let's think about that for a minute, when I'm at my best I can easily do all the healthy stuff like yoga in the morning, followed by a huge glass of water, a couple of pieces of fruit, a dog walk, but can I continue to do all them when my mom wakes me up at 3am in the morning or when she's having her worst day and I'm stressed to the max and not feeling the love?  

Actually yeah I can, because I choose behaviours to work on that I can do even on my toughest day.  Now the behaviour I'm working on at the minute is giving me a little more leeway 'eat more zero heroes' notice I've said 'more' rather than putting an amount on it.  That way if I have a bad day and don't manage to eat many because I make bad choices then I haven't failed, I've still eaten more on the other days.  

I'll leave you with that thought, if you chose to work on behaviours you can do on your most difficult days - what would they be? 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 

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