Sunday 17 May 2020

Working on a Sunday - why not!

Sunday 17th May 2020
Happiness is an inside job. 

I love Sunday's, awake at 5am and I've done my yoga and I'm ready for my day, usually I'd be doing nothing but not today, this morning I'm working, I'll be on a 10am virtual workshop in the Stafford connect group on the WW app.  As usual I'm be on there from 9.30am for the wellness check-ins and as I'm support on this virtual, I'm going to get to listen to another coach, so in a way, I'll get my own workshop on a Sunday morning, I'm thinking this might keep me more on track than I usually will be on a Sunday, that's the day it usually all goes to pot!  

I did eat a bit too much yesterday, but it was mostly good food, I had this chicken curry from the freezer, slowly eating the meals that I've made in weeks gone by.  Not sure what's on my menu today, I still have some potatoes to use, I also have a cauliflower and some veggies that need using up,  it'll all get used over the next few days. 

The only downside about online ordering is the veggies don't have a very good date, but then that's to be expected isn't it, they aren't going to keep for ages.  

Can you tell I'm distracted and not giving this blog my full attention this morning!  It's because I'm trying to multitask, I'm trying to catch up on the Oprah thing that WW put on yesterday  maybe I should do one thing at a time, especially as the topic is FOCUS!  

I'm also keeping my eye on mom via the camera, she's gone back to sleep in her chair, bless her, is it bad that I like her a lot when she's asleep!  I love it when both mom and Alfie go to sleep in the day time, I may not be able to go anywhere but it's pure stress free time and I love it.  

I stopped for a few minutes to watch some of the Oprah thing and a lady just said 'I'll get back to it and lose that 60lb' and Oprah replied, you know you don't lose 60 you lose one at a time.  I like that, focus on losing one pound at a time.  Especially right now with people stressing about the fact they've put weight back on, it's really important to focus on losing it one pound at a time rather than thinking about the total. 

Thinking along that line, let's focus on the day in front of us.  I didn't have a great day yesterday but I've had good days this week, I can't change yesterday, but I can decide how todays going to go.  What things can I do that will help me be better today and also have an impact on the coming week. 

I've done my yoga which really helps ground me and remind me to take time for myself when possible, I've done a month of getting up and doing yoga each morning now, so that's a new habit I've created.   I've had my first pint of water which I do most mornings now also, if I have a cup of tea first that's when I tend to skip the water which is why I try not to make the tea until after I've drunk the water, another habit that helps me massively.  This week’s workshops sees us looking at the importance of staying hydrated and busting some common myths, so I'm looking forward to that. It helps me to have my glass with my straw to hand so I don't forget, it's a constant reminder to fill it up.

I'm going to focus on breakfast this week, it's not getting the priority it used to, it's an afterthought since lockdown began, yet it used to be my most important meal!  I know it's because my routine has changed and some days I'm not eating breakfast until after my virtual workshop which means it can be as late as 11 because I walk Alfie straight away, then I sometimes skip it all together because it's so close to lunchtime!  Even if I only have a little bit of fruit, it's breakfast.  I've really enjoyed eating apples this week, so this week I will eat an apple every morning and a banana now they've ripened, that can be breakfast then if I feel I need a bit more afterwards that's cool too.  I like natural yogurt so I might add a bit of that too. 

There, setting a new small goal is that easy, one tweak each week is all it takes.  And as Oprah also just said in that video - The only way to get back on track is to start tracking!  If you're not tracking, do it, and actually it wasn't just Oprah that said that, a chap on our virtual workshop yesterday said more or less the same, he tracks regardless even when it's minus 180 on the week after using all his fit points too!  Yeah start tracking even if you haven't been great, the added bonus to that is you'll be earning wins too which can be donated to the Trussell Trust and they need it more than ever right now, I know WW members have donated 5 times more than usual this last month, and WW also donated £170,000 worth of stock when we first went into lockdown - how cool is that. 

Right I need to go have that mug of tea now and get ready for the virtual workshop, why not come and log on and have a chat, it can be our Sunday morning service in the church of the WW ;) 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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