Sunday 31 May 2020


Sunday 31st May 2020
To succeed we must first believe that we can.

Last day of May, where did that month go ay!  I'm going to enjoy this last day then starting tomorrow, I'm going to do my very best to stay on track and lose some weight.  Yesterday was a really good day with mom, she was good 90% of the day thankfully, it would be amazing if she could be like that for the whole of June but I know that's not likely so I'm going to do what I can.  

I've already had my water and fruit, walked the dog and done my yoga, not bad to say it's only 7.30am on a Sunday morning.  Mornings are best for me, mom's at her best so I can get away with doing more without her sulking, although if he doesn't fall off to sleep it can all go tits up so actually, there is no rhyme or reason to the disease and I can't rely on anything being easy.  But as the quote above says, don't be afraid to start over, and I have more experience with her now and I need to stop using her as an excuse to eat.  I just stumbled across a post from 2018 on Facebook, I'm a stone heavier than I was then, so yep I've gained a stone in two years, but I also gained another stone since 2012, so really I can't keep doing that, 2 stone on in 8 years, mmm, I need to halt that don't I, although on a positive, I've maintained at this weight for 12 months so a tweak a week and hopefully I can turn the tide. 

Oh dear, I'm sitting hear and typing but I can feel me doubting myself!  I don't usually do that, I usually believe I can do it even if I don't do it, but these last few months watching myself lose and gain the same 4lb is making me overthink it!  That's why I'm so glad for the workshop this week, I'm on at 10 with Amy so I'll let her motivate me ready to start tomorrow.  The technique we're covering this week is; 

Take charge of unhelpful thoughts

I think actually putting the workshop together yesterday has made me realise I have been having these unhelpful thoughts myself and that's why I'm sat here with doubts  but I intend to practice what I preach this week and use the techniques I'll be sharing with members on how to respond to those unhelpful thoughts.  

I can do this, I have done it before, I've lived through stressful situations before and handled them and lost weight at the same time so I will do it again.  I've got this! 

Who's with me, who's up for making June the month we get our act together and actually follow the plan properly, there are not magic formulas, no lotions, potions or tablets, you've got to JUST DO IT haven't you and that's what I plan to do (see I went to change that to hope to do because of that doubt, those unhelpful thoughts, I'm going to be paying much more attention to my thoughts this week for sure and start to question them. 

Anyway I need to get a wriggle on if I'm going to be ready for my virtual workshop this morning, I want some breakfast, it'll probably be eggs as I'm trying to get tablets in Alfie, he is not playing the game at all, he spat the same tablet out 4 times yesterday, too bloody clever for his own good! 

mwah, luv ya, 

Love me x

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