Thursday 14 May 2020

I'm having a really good week!

Thursday 14th May 2020
When you focus on the good, the good increases.

3 blue dots, 42 weekly points remaining, 3 wine free days, yoga and meditation done and a morning of virtual workshops to look forward too, not forgetting the steak I have planned, I've had plenty of veggie meals this week, I'm having steak, spuds and Mediterranean vegetables today as they're all use by 14th May!  This is how yesterdays food looked.

There's a Sheldon large bag with some low fat cheese under the eggs. 

The salad was lush, I love these chicken fillets, 2 for £1.50 which ain't cheap but 1SP for both.  I had mine out of the freezer, I bought a job lot cheap in January.  The coleslaw wasn't great, it's Sainsbury's BGTY, tasteless, I might mix the rest with a couple of sachets of the new WW honey and mustard dressing, now that's good, actually that would be nice poured over a chicken breast and roasted in the oven, mmm. 

Anyway, this was my final meal, WW lentil curry pot, tastes better than it looks 2SP on Blue, 2 WW nan breads for 6SP, and a bit of mint yogurt made with natural yogurt and mint sauce and diced cucumber.  ( use code I7IA5I if you order please, capital I's not ones) 

I loved, loved, loved, last nights virtual, 45 members, good vibes all round, who'd have thought Sleep could make for good chat.  I came of absolutely buzzing.  Which was brilliant because I wasn't so great when I went on, moms mood in the late afternoon / early evening can make it very difficult to work upstairs, so yesterday I took the decision after consulting with the dementia nurse to have my sister come and sit with her.  She is after all moms carer when I work in the none lockdown world and I am still working, I can't give my full attention to my workshops if I'm worried about her downstairs.  Thankfully my sister is having minimal contact with others, like myself she only leaves the house to walk the dog and she goes shopping.

Ooo what to have for breakfast, scrambled eggs maybe.  Oh I've been eating fruit this week too, are you impressed, yeah satsumas, apples and grapes.  I have a small watermelon to enjoy too, check me out.  I can recommend these apples from Sainsbury's 65p for 6 too - bargain.  I only usually like Pink ladies, but these are tasty little things.
My little boys, lying on the chair next to me here in my office, he's an old boy these days, he's got to go to the vets Tuesday to have surgery on his tongue, he has something growing underneath it so they need to check it out, probably remove it.

my poor little boy, he can't tell us if it hurts, so it needs looking at.  No fun this getting old lark for dog or human.  That's why we've got to take care of ourselves as much as possible.

Right let's get on with the day, a crisp frost out there again this morning, it better not kill my hanging baskets!  I'm off to make me a big mug of tea, have a shower and get ready for the virtual this morning, 8.30 in the Dudley and Walsall connect group on the WW app, I'm support on the 10.30 although because it was mostly my members last week, Hayley let me to the chat.  I'm also going to be support on Sunday morning in the Stafford group at 10am, ooo new faces to see, I likes that a lot and it'll stop me slobbing out more than I already am!

Right I'm off, catch ya laters.

mwah, luv ya

Love me

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