Tuesday 26 May 2020

Already started the housework!

Tuesday 26th May 2020 
Good decisions come from experience.  Experience comes from making bad decision. 

Well it appears I have two new women in my life and I like them a lot, who knew I'd have feelings for a Hettie!  I've just done the living room with her and she's good, better than my old Henry that broke, he was obviously old and past it as his sucking power just wasn't what it once was, she's lighter too as it's the smaller version.  I even read the instructions and now understand everything that she does and how she holds her own tools on her back, clever little thing. 

I plan to do the rest of the house later, especially moms bedroom - it sooooo needs it! 

The other women is this lady on the WW app, under the FitOn workouts,  
 I did this after my yoga with Adrienne, thanks to the lovely Alfie for not interrupting today as I enjoyed half hour of practice.  I'm all ready for my day now, feeling calm and zen like ;)

Mom's good this morning too, another good day with her yesterday, no major blow ups thankfully, we watched Top Gun which she half slept through and woke up at the end to say that was good, then we watched About a Boy which she did stay awake for and mostly enjoyed. 

I had a wonderful couple of hours with V, we did 5.5 miles locally and I thought I'd found all the local paths but as we were walking through one field we spotted a boy with a dog walking through the field opposite and when we got there it was obvious that there was a well worn path through the field (I'd never walk through the middle of a farmers field otherwise, its disrespectful!) It's one of my absolutely favourite things to do, walk a path I've never walked before, I get a little rush, even if I know where it goes, I feel like it's new and exciting to tread where you haven't before, it's got me in a lot of trouble in the past, because I've said 'just a bit further' for too long and we've ended up miles away from anywhere!  

I've just had a flashback to a hike mom and I did in Scotland, we had a map (sort of) unfortunately the map ended before our journey did and I'm not the best map reader, so we walked and walked and followed this map that took us to the top of quite a big hill, thing was when we got to the top it didn't continue down the other side but we didn't have any more map lol, we had to backtrack our route, we were out so many hours, for an old bird she was always so fit, I bet we walked 10 hours that day with Casey who was our dog back then, we were exhausted when we got back, I'm sure we were staying round Glen Coe somewhere, oh good times.  

Well I'm looking forward to my day, I've got my virtual workshop at 8.30 to look forward too, if you're joining us, use the meeting code in the Wolverhampton group and come in directly via zoom as there seems to have been some issues yesterday with zoom.  

Then I'm going to be a domestic goddess for a few hours, until my pay day shopping arrives, treat time, I'll then sort all that out as I've got shopping coming for 4 of us, it's good to share the slot.  Then I'll spend the rest of the day with mom and finish the blanket I'm doing for an old friend, I do hope she likes the colours, I'm personally not usually a purple fan but I felt myself drawn to those colours, then as I was working with them I was thinking about her and realised there was a reason I was drawn to those colours, Sarah had an accident 2 years ago this June and had a brain haemorrhage, she's also one of the smartest people I know, and if you look into Chakra's purple (violet / indigo) colours are connected to the brain and spiritual connection to the universe when balanced, clear thinking, so hopefully this blanket will work with her upper chakras when she sits on it.

Anyway, I'm ready for the day ahead, we'll be having scrambled eggs for breakfast again as it appears to be Alfie's new favourite food, although I only have 2 eggs until my delivery comes so mmm, I think Alfie will be having eggs, I better see what I can have, maybe banana on toast with a bit of peanut butter, mmmm yeah.

Here's to a great day, suns shining, everyone here is calm right now - that's my favourite way to be.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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