Sunday 26 April 2020

Small changes

Sunday 26th April 2020
Be careful what you hide.  Those things you keep to yourself...they damage you inside.

No food photos today as I didn't eat a proper meal yesterday at all, I felt a bit off all day, my stomach wasn't good at all so I didn't eat properly, still managed to go over my points though lol.  I've had a good sleep and I feel okay this morning, plus moms woke up good which hopefully will last longer than it did yesterday.

Think about this for a minute running a marathon - not easy at all!  Deciding to take a walk round the block, much more doable (of course as long as it's your only time you go out for exercise that day ;) ).  Getting 9 hours good, solid sleep every night  = a laughable suggestion to most, but going to bed 15 minutes earlier, absolutely possible.

Making small changes are more likely to help all of us at the moment, our days are completely different, our lives altered in a way we never thought would happen so contemplating making any more big changes and alterations just feels like a change too many!  We talked about hitting refresh in workshops over the last week and I asked members to focus on small changes, not big grand gestures and promises that just weren't going to happen.

I loved it when one said, I had 4 good days, she'd already planned not to have a great weekend, she knew that was asking too much to do a full 7 days right now.  It's all about picking a small change and doing that over and over until you do it on autopilot.  My big glass of water is one such change that when I first did it, I had to think about it, now its automatic, I've also started taking a glass to bed with me now.  That's still quite new and occasionally I forget and wake up in the middle of the night and reach for it and it isn't there, but most nights I'm remembering.  

My small change I'm making at the moment, because if I'm being honest I'm starting from scratch, so many of the things I was doing back when I was at my goal weight I'm not doing now.  Actually no that is not true, I still have lots of healthy habits that I still do despite having regained weight.  I just eat too much!  Anyway, back to my small change, it's my yoga, I'm on day 9 of doing it every morning and it's becoming a habit, I do it before I blog which is why my blogs getting later.  I do it even if moms awake, she's getting used to me doing it too.  Occasionally she's interrupted it or the dog comes and joins me and we do some Doga!  He enjoys it and I don't mind because it's not about getting the moves perfect, the practice is helping me ground myself, calms me and I find it quite restorative.  I'm working through the foundations of yoga now so spending some time on each of the moves and I like that, I threw in a new beginners one today too, A little goes a long way .  So yes this is my small change this week.  I'm making time, I'm making it a priority, I wouldn't skip eating or showering (well whilst in lockdown I may have been guilty of this - but you get my gist) so I'm scheduling it into my day, like I do my virtual workshops and other things that I feel I must do to survive.

What small changes did you decide to make, my others include continuing to track regardless of how many Smart Points I'm consuming, it's all teaching me about my eating habits, especially as I've switched to Green, already I'm questioning my decision, but the last two days haven't been my normal way of eating so I will eat how I usually do the rest of the week and see if it affects my decisions, I think it will and I'll end up going back to blue.  It's great that there are 3 options so we get to choose who we are.

My last small change is to have at least one or two alcohol free days or just drinking LESS again this coming week.  So there's my 3, what are yours?

If you need any help, some of the things others have said included,

Wearing fit bit every day
tracking good or bad
planning meals
weighing weekly
attending virtual workshop
Drinking more water
less alcohol
trying yoga
Keep on track for 4 of 7 days
Going for a walk every day

I would just say, believe in yourself because being positive makes everything easier.

I think I'm going to do a recipe or two, my sister got mom the papers yesterday and there's some WW pullouts in the Mail this week, there was a couple of recipes in yesterdays I fancy, so will order the ingredients and hope they have them in my delivery.

Anyway, I could carry on, you can tell I'm not having conversations with anyone can't you, I've taken to having them via these blogs instead lol.

I'm going to have a roast dinner today I think, I've got veggies that are going to walk out the kitchen, so I'm going to roast parsnips, potatoes, carrots, I've just found some pork slices in the freezer so I've taken them out.  I don't want to waste food, so I'll cook it all up.

Okay, I'm off, Have a lovely Sunday,

Mwah, luv ya

Love me

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