Thursday 16 April 2020

Remember all this is temporary.

Thursday 16th April 2020
Will it be easy?  Nope!  Will it be worth it?  Absolutely!

Yesterday was mostly a good day, it started with this delicious breakfast, my new frying pan from the WW online shop is brilliant and turned out these lovely eggs with no oil at all.  

Later on we indulged in  hotdogs, worth every point of the 14SP they cost me, so tasty and filling, I didn't think about food again till I got stressed out later, but I resisted.

My sister then brightened my day up by letting me know she'd managed to get me some teabags and eggs, I was pleased, it's the simple things. 

I thoroughly enjoyed my evening workshop, remember the links change weekly so you need to check in the relevant connect group, it's on the pinned post in the group.  

I was a little disappointed that some of the members I'd hope to see on the evening workshop weren't, I do hope they're attending another one as I worry about them.  Hopefully they are all okay and taking care of themselves.

Mom was dreadful when I got back downstairs, she'd got it into her head she'd been left alone for hours, became very angry, shouting and called my sister who couldn't come round because we're not allowed, she wasn't impressed with that.  It's not easy trying to explain things rationally to someone who's brain is broken.  I let her rant and eventually she calmed down, after telling me if I didn't like how she was behaving I could leave lol.  Anyhoo let's put that behind us, she's ok now.

I won't bore you with the rest of my days drama, I'll just say I had a better food day and woke up ready for a good day today, got a couple of workshops this morning, one at 8.30 and I'm supporting the lovely Hayley at 10.30, so that's gonna be good.  I'll be on from 8 and 10 to check in with any members who want to have a check-in about their journey.

Not sure what's on the menu today, but everything that was delivered is use by 19th so I've got to have either fish pie or chicken.  I'm hoping to be able to get something in the freezer if I juggle stuff about and I've decided to not do any shopping for anything other than bread and milk for the rest of the month, I can and will survive on what I've got because my shop was the most expensive I've done in a very long time, nothings on offer like it was pre Covid-19 so I need to be frugal, especially as my wages aren't going to be as high either.  I think we all need to get focused on budgeting don't we, that will hopefully stop us overeating because we won't be able to afford too!

Right I've only got an hour to get ready to go online so I need to crack on, catch ya tomorrow.

Remember all this is temporary.

Luvs ya

Love me xx

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