Tuesday 28 April 2020


Tuesday 28th April 2020
Falling down isn't the issue - not getting back up is.

Over my points allowance again yesterday but not being silly and feeling so much better in myself, which is my priority, especially as I see how many around me are suffering and/or struggling.

Up at 4ish this morning after mom woke me up thinking someone was knocking the door, she was dreaming, she does that a lot bless her, but it was only an hour earlier than I'd intended and it means I got to do 45 minutes yoga instead of the 20 minutes I planned.   Mom's asleep again now so I've got an hour to mess about on my computer.  I've done yoga before, in the past though, it's always been to get active, as exercise really and I think that's why I'm feeling differently about it this time.  This time I'm doing it for my mind, that wasn't my intention initially, it was so I was being active, but I feel differently when I do it and afterwards, I have noticed a shift in my mood, so hopefully that will continue.  

Oh and moms just got up lol, hey ho to my hour messing about.  Yesterday's food looked like this; 

Those egg wraps were great, that frying pan I had off the WW online shop did them perfectly, each one is one egg whisked and poured in the pan and almost immediately rolled back out again, yep non stick pan at its best right there.  A little grated parmesan on top made the meal perfect.  Now on Green that's 5SP on Blue or Purple it would be 1SP, but my dinner would be 14SP regardless of plan, I used the leftover veg and spuds from my Sunday roast dinner and added a tin of corned beef to make a hash, nom nom.

This week sees the start of the #WWRefreshChallenge across Connect and our social channels. Each week will be a different topic, all relating to wellness and this week we are focusing on Nutrition.

If you haven't already, save the photo below on your phone and let everyone know your reason for joining the challenge;
 This is mine - 
 Next save this image and let us know your goals around food this week.  

These are mine; 

I managed veg with both my meals yesterday, I ate a couple of mandarin segments, so I need to work on that lol, got some bananas and satsumas coming today and my eggs were my protein.

Don't forget to use the hashtag when you post so WW and their members can search via the hashtag, I'd love you to tag Bev's WW or me on Facebook / Connect too, let's stay social whilst social distancing.

I'm good again this week, but I wasn't a few weeks ago and I know lots of people out there who are struggling, I've been chatting via messenger with them and as my quote at the top of the blog says, falling down isn't the issue - not getting back up is. I often use say, 'it's okay to have a pity party, just don't unpack and live there' and it's true. The key to picking yourself back up again and moving forward is focusing on the positives. Positive thinking, a positive attitude will help us all refocus and get back on track. The only person stopping us is ourselves, how many times have you said 'I can't' or at least thought it. 'I can't do it' probably the most dangerous sentence for a WWer, oh but there's also 'Just one won't hurt', that's pretty dangerous too!

YOU CAN AND YOU WILL (when you're ready)

It's okay if you don't want to do it right now, but remember when you're ready YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN! 100% you can lose weight - you've done it before, you can do it again. Believe in yourself, in your ability to do it.

If it's just another thing you don't want to think about right now, that's okay, instead of thinking weight loss, think healthy. Just setting those three goals around food this week in the #WWRefreshChallenge will help you be healthier, unless you've set 3 silly goals like, eat chocolate, eat crisps, eat cake! I hope you didn't!

If you do have a long term goal that's been interrupted by this situation we're all in, make some mini goals, success bring success, once you achieve one, you'll want to focus on the next. You can't beat being around other people who are succeeding and focusing on similar goals, so make sure you get on a virtual workshop or more if you'd like.

And don't give yourself a hard time, no beating ourselves up right now, the struggle is real - now more than ever. Chill out, find ways to relax and reduce the stress, be kind and give yourself a break.

Find something that makes you happy other than food and drink and go do that!

Progress not perfection - say that out loud, that's your mantra for today. Don't like that one, what about I can do this! Better still make your own mantra up, keep it short, simple and personal to your. Think about words that speak to you, what you want to achieve, once you've got it, write it on post it notes and put them things everywhere, in the fridge, on your mirror, in the biscuit tin so they act as a reminder.

Right I'm off to get ready for my virtual workshop this morning (Wolverhampton Connect group 8.30, I'll be on from 8 for wellness check-ins), looking forward to another week of Virtual's, this weeks stress eating!

It may be raining this morning but how about we make our own sunshine xx

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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