Sunday 5 April 2020

It's Sunday in case you hadn't realised!

Sunday 5th April 2020
No one ever hurt their eyes by looking on the bright side.
Just as we work at losing weight or getting fit, right now we need to work at finding the happy and doing things to lift our spirits, it's way too easy to get sucked into only thinking about coronavirus and everything that is Covid-19 and I don't know about you but I want to fight this disease, not let it consume me and possess my body and mind before I even catch it!

After my virtual workshop yesterday and realising how flat so many of us were feeling yesterday, I decided I needed to do something to lift my spirits, to lift my mood a little and so I went into the kitchen, put my old iPod on and started listening to some of my old tunes.  Then to remind me that some things haven't changed, I started doing the washing up and by the time I'd finished it, I felt better.   I know we can multitask (well some of us) but it's not easy to think about two things at the same time, especially if you're concentrating on singing the words to a song and because I'd been singing, all my concerns and worries that had been going through my mind had disappeared for that short time.

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who's been doing an awful lot of thinking, now those thoughts didn't go away but I distracted myself from them for a short time and I was glad too.  I also called my sister for a natter when I walked the dog and spoke some of those thoughts and concerns and that helped too - better out than in as they say.   I also had a silly messenger conversation with a kindred spirit who shares my humour and beliefs and that made me proper laugh.  Finding ways to cope is what's important right now and not be consumed and sucked into all the horrid stuff.

My Tandoori chicken worked out well, I'm usually disappointed with home made or shop bought Tandoori, but this was delicious;  

I used this mix, which does ask you to use 4 tbsp of oil (17SP) but don't forget that does the whole chicken!  

 I might not be being perfect but I'm trying, at least there's lettuce on the plate!

Although Alfie and I did stand at the cooker and demolish all but the chicken breast bit when it came out the oven! 

OOPS!  I think the scales will be telling me off tomorrow, but it's a difficult time and I'm doing what I can to get the control back, but there's delicious meals in my fridge that have been shopped for by my mates and I'm going to eat them, sorry - not sorry!

We had a good nights sleep, mom wants to go home around 6pm every night now, sometimes earlier so we're going to bed earlier, as soon as I can convince her it's a good idea , last night it was 8.15pm.  Yes I still dreamt, woke up about 3 times after 3 different dreams and I stay awake long enough to make sure I don't go back into that one (they're not horrible dreams just way too vivid for my liking) but we slept till 6am, that's amazing in this house. 

Now to decide what to do today, its supposed to be a nice day, my app is saying high of 18 here, I could try and convince mom to come sit in the summerhouse whilst I paint it, or I could make a start on her bedroom, it all depends on her behaviour and what her mood is like.  We'll take it as it comes and maybe we'll do neither, no pressure here to do anything but make it through the day.  I have got minted lamb chops for dinner with Co-Op chips that were use by yesterday but they'll be okay I'm sure.  

Mom will be chuffed this morning to find out the little video she made has been shared lots and lots of times, and she's had some wonderful comments which I will read to her; 

So what are you going to do today to lift your spirits, it might be something active, or if you're feeling poorly, maybe it's finding something worth watching, something funny or heartwarming maybe.  I'm gonna go take Alfie out in the hope he fancies a Sunday morning walk, I put my Fitbit on yesterday, I reckon I managed about 5,000 steps, I don't have an accurate reading because for some reason it reset after I'd walked Alfie, then reset again, think it was because it hadn't been used for ages and the time was wrong and it hadn't been synced with the app, but it's working now, I've done a staggering 310 steps already this morning!

Right I'm off, if you're looking for something to engage you and get you on track why not go on the app and join a virtual workshop, I know there's a 10am on in both the Dudley and Wolverhampton groups, so I'm assuming there probably is in others too.

Catch ya tomorrow, chin up chuck xx

Luv ya, mwah

Love me xx

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