Wednesday 22 April 2020

Day 3 - The Refresh is well & truly HIT!

Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Don't be afraid to start over.  Be excited for a clean slate and a chance to build something better.

Day 2 finished well, I almost hit 10k steps, unheard of in these lockdown times lol, it took my cod so long to defrost that it was late afternoon by the time I ate and that's the only reason I managed to finish on such a low daily amount, that's not going to happen very often.  I almost had a glass of ginger wine because I had the points spare, but decided against it, so that's 2 days without alcohol.

But the food I ate was good.  These are a great snack (Sainsbury's) I think from memory you get 4 for a Smart Point so 3 for the packet.

Dinner was this; 

I made the cod in breadcrumbs myself, 2SP for the breadcrumbs, dunked in them, then egg, then back in the breadcrumbs and roasted on top of the peppers, courgettes, mushrooms, spring onions.  
I made the coleslaw with grated white and red cabbage, cabbage and onion, mixed with natural yogurt and mint sauce (I love mint sauce).  That's a WW Caesar salad dressing on the lettuce wedges. 

These flatbreads are 3SP each from Sainsbury's, great as above.  
But also perfect to make pizzas, this was 4SP, bit of tomato puree, the leftover veggies from dinner, 1SP of grated parmesan and the flatbread 3SP. 

I got to have a natter with my bestie too as she came to pick some shopping up I'd added to my basket from my supermarket shop, wow I didn't realise how much I needed that, she gets me, she listened, she didn't offer platitudes or say she understood, she was just there to nod in the right place and say 'you could make it up or write it', which is so true.  I also had a chat with a lady whilst out with Alfie and she told me she loved my blogs and that I was keeping it real, but then she told me her nan had dementia too and she'd moved in with her for 6 months so she understood how I was feeling, now I'm not gonna lie, normally when someone says that, it gets my back up especially at the moment cos no ones been in lockdown with a dementia mom before but from the conversation that followed I could tell she got the rest of it, moms agressive mood swings, the conversations she'd had with her nan were very much the same as I'm having with mom and that really helped me, so I'm grateful that she stopped and took the time to tell me that, and yes we social distanced don't worry, it was only a few minutes. 

I finally got round to taking the hoover upstairs to tackle moms bedroom carpet (the only carpet in the house apart from the stairs - I hate carpet, I don't know if I've ever mentioned that, because I hate hoovers, give me a brush and a mom anyway, it's the noise and the bloody weight when you carry them upstairs), well anyways, I plugged Henry in, and the little red shit was making a strange noise, so I turned him off, turned him back on and he refused to start, he's broken, he was nearly smashed as I contemplated throwing him through the window rather than carrying his heavy little ass back downstairs, but I'm a grown up, I didn't do that.   See you couldn't make this stuff up lol.

Anyway, mom sat out the front for ten minutes as Vicky chatted to her and totally made her day,   Which made my afternoon a little easier, bless her she's just got up and said, 'Am I going home today".  I have realised with her behaviour over the last week, it doesn't matter if I go to work or not, her behaviour is going to be what it's going to be, and me staying home wouldn't be the solution at all. 

I decided not to set my alarm this morning, I've had two rough nights and hoped I might sleep, and I did have a better night, woke up a couple of times but no foxes, no Alfie, no mom and when I woke up at 4am, I managed to go back to sleep, when I did wake up, Alfie came to the side of my bed but he wouldn't let me pick him up so I sat on the floor with him and he decided he wanted to do my 10 minute mediation with me and that was lovely, especially as Adriene had her dog with her doing it too. That's the link if you fancy trying it.  He then helped me with my Yoga for Beginners  bless him, I couldn't resist trying to get a few shots throughout the routine just to show you what a Downward Dog really looks like!  

I thoroughly enjoyed that half hour, I felt so calm, I didn't mind that he was on my mat, he wasn't getting in the way, he was getting involved and being close to me.

I almost forgot to mention the Virtual Workshop from yesterday morning, it was awesome, finally felt like a normal in-person workshop, a typical Tuesday morning, had great feedback from members too, we all left ready to Hit Refresh, looking forward to tonights now at 5.30 (check-ins from 5).  Yeah the second month in lockdown is going to be so much better than the first.

It's pay day on the 25th can I ask if you're ordering from the WW shop you use my code I7IA5I so I get my commission (you get a freebie too) oh and those are all capital I's not ones in that code.

It's now 7.30am, moms downstairs watching the news, I'm just about to walk Alfie when I finished this and the sun is shining.  All is good.  I'm thinking steak and salad today, I might even make my own roast cubed potato chunks, I likes them a lot, mmm might make a potato salad at the same time, I do love that too.  Maybe start today with eggs, yeah, definitely fancy eggs but the big decision is how to cook them, I'll decide whilst walking Alfie.

I've just managed to get me a Sainsbury's slot again for next week, there's plenty to choose from this morning thankfully.  Although yesterday's they didn't have eggs (thankfully my sister got me some) they sent full fat instead of skimmed milk oh and I ordered a white cabbage and they've sent me 4!  Who would ever order 4 unless they owned a coleslaw factory lol.

Here's to Day 3 for me, I've got to say I'm in such a better place than I was this time last week, so long may it continue, I hope you've decided to hit refresh too.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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