Tuesday 7 April 2020


Tuesday 7th April
Happiness is the thing we want most for the people we love most.  Put yourself on that list.

I did it, I made it through Day 1 of deciding to be a #lockdownloser and stay on track using my WW app to track everything.  Do you know what motivated me more than anything?   This post I did on WW Connect on the app, I posted it early in the morning, just to say I was drawing a line and who was with me and throughout the day I had some many likes and comments, it really lifted me, showed me I was in good company and that helped to keep me focused.

I also did a live in my Facebook group which was great and helped, to have my lovely members commenting and interacting with me, I'm looking forward to my Virtual Workshop this morning at 9 so I get to see faces, I like to see their faces and as much as I can talk all day, I like the interaction too where they get to talk too, not just type.  

This morning I've woke up and actually danced round the kitchen whilst waiting for the kettle to boil - go me! 

Now I knew being what I call a 'typical' WWer wasn't really going to be possible as I don't have the foods I normally would have, plus I'd been treated to niceness by people shopping for me, so I adapted.  

I had fruit for breakfast, that was zero, the this beauty was 17SP, it was delicious I won't like but I know I can make one equally delicious with my WW lasagna sheets and my own white sauce next time I fancy one.  To bulk it out I roasted some frozen butternut squash (I need to rethink how to cook that to make it as good as fresh), a green pepper, mushrooms and lettuce, I have a whole lettuce (cos they don't sell halves!) so I'm having it with everything. 

Later in the day, I started to get peckish and knew if I didn't have something, I'd end up picking so I made a mushroom and mustard omelette for zero and added half a yellow pepper.  It did the job and I enjoyed a glass of red before going to bed just after 8.

Mom had a bad afternoon/evening so I was glad when I managed to get her to bed, she was very agitated yesterday, it's so difficult for her and I could've easily have caved in the kitchen, I opened the fridge a few times and went to pick out the packet of ham to destroy but I managed to remind myself I'd almost made it through the day and I really wasn't hungry, I was reacting to the stressful situation. It worked!

This is my app at close of play;

Oh I painted the summer house too!  that took roughly two hours, my brother wouldn't be impressed because I've painted half the windows too, but I just don't want the wood to rot. I managed to clock over 8,000 steps which is double what I've been doing so yeah, I woke up today with a sense of satisfaction and looking forward to my workshop and the day ahead.  Success breeds success I believe and positivity breeds positivity, so happy coach equals happier members I'm hoping!

Day 1 done, now for day 2, I have two more high pointed meals in the fridge, a crispy chicken sweet and sour with rice and a chicken tikka massala, rice and naan from M&S.  I'm not ditching them so I'll enjoy them over the next few days and track them, and eat zero foods to balance it out - ooo I've got loads of fish in the freezer, there's zero food right there, see I've been in lockdown too long, I'd forgot about fish.   Plus I've got the FitPoints I'll earn, they'll help balance it out.

It's so good to have something to feel positive about, I can't control what's going on out there, I can only do my bit by staying in, but I can control my eating and what I do to pass the time.  I used my working hours to interact with members yesterday, yeah I know I don't normally work on a Monday but these are different times and I'm making sure I do as many hours as and when I can because my manager has been so understanding about my circumstances and I'm truly grateful for that.

I'm not great at exercise, I enjoy walking but Alfie isn't great at that, he's not going far, so I decided yesterday that I would do productive activity, so painting the shed was my first.  Housework is another, it's not what I'd call fun, but neither is sweating like a bit doing a workout so at least the housework leaves me with a tidy house.

I'm hoping all those people who said they were with me yesterday managed to do it too, even if they went over their points, it's okay as long as we track.  I like the idea of a healthy habit journal, keeping it by your chair or bed and writing down what when well (or didn't) every night. It'll help us pinpoint where to make adjustments to better stay on track with our goals.  I used my phone to do this yesterday, the notes section.  Even the littlest thing makes a difference.

I'm going to get my WW head on and actually plan some meals, not necessarily when I'll eat them but have a list of options at the ready, I'm so looking forward to my cook book arriving so I can have a go at something in that.  I always say I'm too busy to do everything but I need to make time, yes I'm still working but other people manage to work and cook and exercise and..... so I'm going to stop making excuses lol.  Let's do this shall we, if you weren't convinced yesterday, trust me I'm feeling so much better today than I did at the weekend, I'm actually chair dancing here.

It's going to be a great day! We can make it that way...

Mwah, luv ya

Love me

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