Monday 13 April 2020

Bank Holiday - least the roads are quiet!

Monday 13th April 2020
The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.

A quiet Sunday for us and lots of other too, I did manage a little Easter miracle though on the scales, I got me a maintain, I'll take that!  Especially as I've had more of an appetite the latter end of the week and there was chocolate and easter crap, so yeah I'm happy, also my monthlies decided to arrive which also explains the appetite and mood swings, Covid-19 isn't to blame for everything after all, just good old fashioned Mother Nature.

I cooked a Sunday dinner but it was probably the palest I've ever made, come to the conclusion cauliflower is pointless without a cheese sauce, or it's passable as cauliflower rice.  I hadn't realised I'd got no potatoes (DOH) so I ended up with Smash, then when I was ready to put it out mom decides she wants to go outside for half hour and I'm sorting that out so completely forgot to warm the Yorkies up, well it wasn't until I'd finished it and was full I realised so then I was disappointed lol.  The drama of my life, you've got to laugh and try and keep it real, I know we're all blessed to be alive right now but if we only focus on this horrid virus and all the chaos it's causing, we will go insane.

Anyway on a positive I've got yorkies for lunch and guess what I'm going to have, I'm going to have toad out of the hole with onion gravy, took sausages out the freezer last night, I'm thinking that will more than make up for it, I will roast some of that butternut squash too and mash it together with the leftover smash.  Not wasting anything if I can help it.  You never know I might get mom to indulge, but I won't hold my breathe, she's really not eating much besides toast and sandwiches, oh and crap, she doesn't struggle with the crap.  But she's a grown up and I'm not gonna stop her enjoying what she can.

I'm very much looking forward to this weeks Virtual Workshops, What you can (and can’t) control is the subject and I think now more than ever this is going to help all of us.  The rota has been tweaked again so you will find me live at the following times;

Tuesday 8.30am
Wednesday 5.30pm
Thursday 8.30am (& I'm supporting Hayley at 10.30am)
Saturday 9.45am

I hope to see lots of you on them! Links in the Wolverhampton (Tues, Weds, Sat) or Dudley & Walsall (Thursday) Connect groups on the WW app.

I'm very much proving I'm a lazy bird by nature, I have sitting on my ass watching tele and crocheting down to a fine art I really do and I really enjoy it too.  It's when moms at her happiest too. Thankfully I'm still working so that's working my brain.  I'm gonna do some housework again today, that'll move my body somewhat, I've still got the paint for moms bedroom but I know being up there for that long will not help moms mood, I could do one wall a day I guess but what about the brushes, meh, I'm just looking for excuses ain't I, I'm a lazy mare and I started a new crochet blanket yesterday and I'm loving it, the first square took me a bit longer to get my head round the pattern but by the end of the day, I'm almost doing it by memory, the brain is an incredible thing it really is.

Oh if you fancy toad in or out of the hole, there's some recipes on the WW app for you to enjoy, I'm going to go and actually start my housework, attempt to get Alfie to walk further than the end of the road, I need to call the vets this week, his tablets aren't working as well as they were ;(, then I'm gonna sit on my ass and crochet, I can't lie!

Whatever you're up to, oh my, it's a Bank Holiday Monday isn't it, it's okay to sit on my ass, I've got to do a bit of WW work first to get ready for tomorrows workshops but then yeah, I'm thinking I'll have a bit of ice cream today, been fancying some for ages now and then I'll get back on it tomorrow because the sausages are real pork ones that Karen Green got for me and she told me they were epic, so it's got to be done.  

I need to get going, I've been getting distracted by FB stuff and now it's 7am!  Right however you're spending your Bank Holiday Monday pay attention because this isn't just weird times, it's history in the making, in future years, this'll be some kids school project - how mad is that!

Take care, stay safe, stay inside.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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