Monday 20 April 2020

And start all over again!

Monday 20th April 2020
Reset - Refocus - Readjust - Restart as many times as you need to.

Well I've had my month of lockdown meltdown and despite wanting to stay on track I've not and I've gained again this morning, 3lb on, that's me back to 13st 4.5lb funnily enough, back to what I was this time last year, I'd got as low as 12 7.5lb at one point over the last 12 months, I can't put any more on, this is my heaviest weight, I hit this number and something usually clicks in my head where I realise it's got to stop.  I'm going to do my best to see this lockdown as a chance to take some control.  I've got a food delivery coming tomorrow and yesterday I went through my freezer and food cupboard and made a list of all the foods and meals I have then pointed them.  Look at the points in these sweet and sour, I just threw them in the basket without working outpoints 11 in one and 23 in the other! They're in the freezer and the 23SP one will be there for a good while until I've lost some weight.  

I also went back into my online shop and took out the 'sod it' food I'd put in there so now all that's in there is vegetables to add to the food I already have and healthy stuff, oh and moms crap but I'll resist that.  

I did a healthy Sunday dinner yesterday, I used 2 tablespoons of oil on those vegetables to make it delicious so that was 9SP for that, I only had the chicken breast on my dinner, Alfie ate the legs 

I did indulge in a bit of stuffing and a small Yorkshire but maximum there's 20SP on that plate. and I hadn't had breakfast.  

I did eat the rest of the tub of ice cream I'd bought last week, so now that's gone and there's no more coming into the house.  If I don't buy any of this stuff, I won't be tempted by it.

It's time to hit Refresh.  And thankfully that's what this weeks virtual workshops are all about, so they've timed that perfectly for me!   We all fall of track at some point and I'm sure now more than ever lots of us are doing just that.  So I'm choosing today to start afresh, I've already done an hour of yoga, I did the 20 minute beginners routine, then checked out some of her foundation moves videos, each one was about 7 minutes long and showed me how to do a particular pose, I enjoyed it, then I did her 7 minute morning mediation.  Now I feel all calm.

I've got to accept that I can't do lots of stuff whilst I'm in lockdown with mom, she's struggling and doesn't like being left alone, her mood changes so I'm having to spend as much time as I can with her.  Luckily I've been awake since 3am thanks to foxes and Alfie, so I started my yoga at 4 when she was asleep, no wonder I'm ready for bed by 8!

I will track honestly this week - I know I've said that before but I will keep trying until I make it a reality.

I'm just reading the 10 tips for a spring refresh on the WW app and it says;

Step on the scale.  But before you do that, take a moment to focus on one non-scale victory from the past week.  Keeping it in mind as you weight yourself will help you remember that the number is only one part of the bigger picture. 

I love this idea, I didn't do it but I'm sat here now thinking okay I've gained weight, but I did attend a virtual workshop as a member, I have done yoga 3 mornings and I also did the Virtual Dance workout on Saturday.  I haven't let moms flip outs affect me as negatively as I did before attending the workshops and deciding to be a proper WW member again.

So yes, I know I feel better when I'm taking care of myself, so heres to doing it!  There's an ease into yoga and stretch & relax on the WW app in the Aaptiv section both are about 15 minutes and I'm going to try and fit them in at some point today whilst in the kitchen, if I notice mom nodding off, the beauty of them is there only sound I don't have to worry about listening to something.

Oh I can hear her stirring, here's to making it a great day, looks like it's going to be sunny!

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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