Tuesday 17 March 2020

Virtual reality

Tuesday 17th March 2020
We don't grow when things are easy, we grow when things challenge us.

Well Monday is normally my day off but not yesterday, since WW announced that our workshops are going virtual until April 4th, you can imagine I've had a lot to do.  I woke up at 3am this morning and couldn't go back to sleep so I've just done my first training session to get us ready for virtual workshops starting Thursday!  A lot of technology, but I'm hoping my members will embrace it and not fear it, it'll be really easy once you know how and it's new territory to all of us so it'll be fun learning together.  

For those of you at home who are having to self isolate or just generally at home more because of the advice not to go out unnecessarily, if you're well it's a great opportunity to focus on eating healthier, and WW have  put together a new set of 5-day myWW meal plans, including vegetarian, pescetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan.

These are available to everyone to help with meal planning or to provide an overview of all the delicious meals you can eat on WW, and to show how easy the programme is to follow if you're thinking of joining.

With people going crazy and emptying stuff off the shelves, you could also consider trying new foods, like grains, couscous, chick peas instead of pasta. Let's get creative I say! There are lots of recipes on the WW app for you to look through.

Away from WW, back in Bev's world, well it's been a strange few days, I have managed to get mom out for a drive a couple of times, but I don't think I'll even be doing that for a while now with all the new guidelines. For a couple of weeks I plan to just walk Alfie and stay home, thankfully this new virtual workshop idea will enable me to do that. We had a doctor come to access moms capacity yesterday, we applied for power of attorney last year and they're doing all the checks. I'm not sure if they'll allow it now, if the feel she's fit to decide but my heart was filled with joy as I stood in the kitchen and listened to her talking to him in the front room. She may have been confused about some things but she was adamant that she trusted me and that I loved her and would never do anything to hurt her, she told him I've always taken care of her. That'll do me, as long as I can keep her feeling that secure, I'm happy. By the time we went to bed, she wasn't sure where she was and she was as confused as hell but me being here assuring her can only help.

Now with the not getting out and working, I won't be loading and unloading my car so I need to think of a way to stay active, not just walking Alfie. I'm going to start by keeping my house a good top to bottom clean and sort, probably not today or tomorrow as I have a lot of new stuff to learn for work but hopefully come the weekend, I'll be getting bored and needing something to do. Then I want to decorate moms bedroom too, that'll be the real challenge.

I also need to get my eating back under control, I didn't eat a proper meal at all yesterday just kept snacking on bits out the fridge. So yeah today I will take back control and a bit of normality, gonna do a Facebook live in my group this morning at 10 to answer any questions my members may have and just to let them know I'm here and we're all going to get through this together. I might even do a cooking demo on my Facebook page at some point, we shall see how things pan out.

For now I'm going to get back to my training and planning for my virtual workshops, I do love to learn new stuff so this is good for me and a great thing for all of us to embrace. Download the zoom app if you haven't already. https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/zoom-cloud-meetings/id546505307, I'm assuming you can get it on Samsung too through the play store ZOOM is what you're looking for and then you'll be able to get to a virtual workshop through the app, more instructions to follow! 

Right I'm gonna go make me a cuppa, moms sleeping soundly for now, Alfie's spark out on the landing, so I'm going to enjoy a little peace and quiet.  I know we're all feeling overwhelmed right now with so much uncertainty for so many.  Please look after each other, it's important for us to focus on as many positives as we can find, I've just seen that an 103 year old lady has become the oldest to beat the disease, make sure you do what you can to share the good news, there's plenty of people out there sharing the bad news for us! 

Here's to a great day!

mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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