Monday 24 February 2020

Why aren’t you skinny!

Monday 24th February 2010
Every morning, you have a new opportunity to become a happier version of yourself.

Well let me start my day with a photo of the Big Mac Grande, and yes it was worth waiting for, yes I am a Maccy D fan, even if I do manage to stay away but I would be a Big Mac Junkie if I could eat them daily and not gain weight.  It was enjoyed even more because I got to sit with my mom and my bestie whilst eating it, had a catch up with my bestie and my mom was good, so a good day all round.  Oh it gets better.....

 I lost a pound this morning, that's 3 weeks on the trot I've lost weight, that's half a stone in February whoo hoo, I'm not gonna lie, I'm very pleased.  I'm now back to what I was at the end of November, still got 4lb to get to the lightest I was last year, but I'm feeling good and positive about it.  I'm sure adding half hour of being active each day is going to help too, Day 9 today, yesterday's was more yoga style moving with stretches, but I was glad after 7 days of moving, I was glad of the rest.  My ankles still a little swollen and painful but not unbearable and as it hurts whether I do it or not and had for months now, I may as well move.

V did get me a pot of McDonalds special sauce for 5SP but it wasn't needed on yesterday's meal, I have some steak in the fridge and chips which I'm thinking it'll go very well with.  It'd even be delicious with steak and salad without the chips.  Not today though, today I have coconut dhal with roasted tofu, check me out, it was part of the M&S meal deal, 14SP in a portion, so quite high, but there's red lentils in it too so should be quite filling, mmm how can I bulk it out for zero, I've got salad, if I had butternut squash it would complement it really well roasted.  But I haven't, I do have some corn on the cobs in the freezer, maybe I'll roast them. When I've got my freezer a little less full, I'm going to buy frozen squash and other veg, keep contemplating buying a upright freezer for the shed, times like this it does seem a good idea.  decisions, decisions!

Anyway, it's raining (AGAIN), which doesn't really bother me on my day off other than walking Alfie, oh yesterday he walked like a little soldier behind Vicky as we went out with him, almost tripping her up yea but hey, he was walking.  He was his old self yesterday after she visited, it was like he had new life pumped into him.  For the first time in a long time, he bought his toy to mom to play.  He seems to love our new rug too, much more relaxed and chilled on it so all was happy in our house.

Mom's already up this morning, so comical in our house in a morning,
"Bev, have you gone to work",
"no mom, I'm still in bed"
"Oh, sorry"
"It's ok"
"Alfie, get back in her, you'll wake her up, Alfie, Alfie, Alfie, come here, Alfie, Alfie, you little shit"

And so she continues telling him how him lying on the landing somehow is going to disturb me when she's making enough noise to wake the dead, I lie there smiling, because I wasn't asleep anyway and now I have no chance of going back to sleep but I have to wait a few minutes before getting up or she'll blame Alfie for it.  And so begins another great day.

Oh, did I mention I ate a burger and lost a pound!  Course I did, I didn't have any breakfast though and I only had a bag of hula hoops and a slice of bread with luncheon meat on for my tea.  There was obviously wine too but hey, I'm losing weight, not obsessing about food and feeling really good in my head.  Despite the rain, I can see Springs not far away and that really lifts my spirits, my favourite time of year, all the pretty bulbs flowering, the light nights, hopefully dry days so I can sit outside.  I was just thinking mom was off about sitting out last year because she was cold but my brother is going to do me some decking and Dan is going to put lighting out there, I think I might buy one of those heaters that are easy to turn on, I don't know what they're fuelled by but that would be great if she went out and I just flicked a switch.   I'm going off on a tangent now ain't I, I need to get my day started.  A few work things to do before I get to enjoy my day off and do some more of my latest lap blanket, I'm loving it and hopefully have a home for it, but if not, I'll find one, can always raffle it for charity.

OKAY Monday, let's have ya, let's make you great.  I'm off to make melon balls with my gifted melon baller (thank you Alison for that and for making me smile every Saturday, you truly are a star for so many reasons, so many don't see x)

Oh I can't go yet, I need to get on one about a post I saw on Facebook yesterday, another example of people not thinking before they open their big mouths!  One of my WW Coach friends who's an absolutely lovely lady, I remember the first time I met her thinking how elegant and attractive she was, she had that vibe exuding from her that made you want to be around her, in a nutshell she's lovely inside and out, anyway she posted this;

‘If you’ve been working for weight watchers for 13 years why aren’t you skinny?’
Is a question I was asked this morning. It’s taken me 7 gruelling weeks to begin to rebuild my shattered confidence and battered self esteem. My heart is breaking right now. 
One comment by one thoughtless, stupid individual is all it takes. I’m posting this not as a pity post, but simply to try and make more people aware of the impact that words can have. #bekind

Of course she had lots of lovely comments but seriously what is wrong with people, think before you open your mouth, I've been almost as low as 8 stone, I've been 13 1/2 stone, all in my 15 years of being a WW coach, I was skinny and still not happy inside, emotionally I still didn't feel 'enough', now I'm okay for everyone to know my weight, it's 12st 11lb today (lost a pound if I hadn't mentioned it lol) and I'm more than 'ENOUGH' for this world, I'm a one off as is every one of my marvellous members.  I've always said, it's called Weight WATCHERS not Weight losers, but these day's it's just called WW so meh, can't use that line anymore.  Yeah when I was in my 20s I wanted to be THIN, I've never used the word skinny, but then as I hit my 30s I wanted to be lean and fit, oh them my 40s attacked me and I just wanted to stop sweating like a bitch, having mood swings and wishing I'd stop with all the peri-menopausal symptoms whilst watching my body change to a shape it'd never been before!  Now I'm 50 and I want to be healthy and as happy with my world as is possible, I want to survive each day being glad to be alive, I want to eat burgers with my besties, drink wine (well with anyone who wants to drink wine 😝 ) I want to laugh lots, eat food as if it was my friend not my enemy, enjoy the every day moments that people take for granted. I don't wanna be skinny, what are the benefit's of that?  Mmm, let me think?  Being able to buy really small clothes, nah you're already, I'm happy to buy a size that fits me, that doesn't stress me, that makes me glad to be me.  

Think before you post / comment / think nasty thoughts, your idea of 'fat' might be someone else target weight!  We're all different sizes and shapes thankfully, who'd want to live in a world where everyone looks and acts the same, nah you're alright, I'm not a fan of Cyborgs, I love my wrinkles, my round belly (I give it a wobble and a cuddle every day), I even love my back boobs, although I'm waving them goodbye as they're disappearing since I've lost this half stone and starting moving more.  If it's part of me I love it, if it's part of someone I care about I love it too.  

I really am going now, mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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