Friday 28 February 2020

What's your next step?

Friday 28th February 2020
Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin.

I do love Friday's and today's no exception, although could've done without being woke by mom at 5 for her to tell me she was getting up, for her to promptly get back in bed and go back to sleep leaving me wide awake lol.  You gotta love her!  She had a better day yesterday so fingers crossed for today.

My appetite was out of control yesterday and I blame Weetabix!  Yep I had two for my breakfast and I was hungry by 9am, then I couldn't seem to fill myself up after that.  I did enjoy my delicious dinner though, for 6SP each these are delicious.

I can't see me getting much done today, I've been up an hour and all I've done so far is wrote what's above and drunk a mug of tea and played on Pinterest, oh and had a look at adding to my shopping basket for my food delivery.  I fancy lamb chops for my dinner this weekend, not had those for a very long time, nom, nom.  They're not cheap though are they!  I plan to eat a lot of fish next week as I have a lot in the freezer and now I have to get the alley roof re-felted, that's not going to be free so a little frugal in the shopping department this month I think.  I can easily go all month without having to buy meat or fish, so the lamb will be my pay day treat ;)

Didn't get to do my dancing yesterday but I'm not going to give myself a hard time as I might have done in the past, I wanted to do it for 30 days but you know what, my ankle hurt and overdoing things was what caused my ankle problem in the first place so I chose to rest it, I also chose to sit with mom because she'd had a good morning with my sister and I wanted to enjoy her at her best, so we sat for a couple of hours and watched a bit of tele together.  I can dance another day!

I loved my workshops yesterday, I even had my lovely ladies in my 10.45 dancing at the end of their workshop, it was lovely to watch, really made me smile, nothing better than a job that makes you smile.

I've just picked up a pack of coaching cards which were on my desk, here's the activity on the card that I've chosen, as my blogs a bit empty this morning, let me leave you with this and you can have a think, get that brain working, who knows it might help you stay on track or get back on track.

Imagine a time in the future when you have succeeded in achieving one of your goals.  Looking backwards, describe the steps you took which got you there.

Next you can start working on one of those steps.   Here's to taking a step in the right direction towards it being a great day.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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