Friday 21 February 2020

If you were to be really nice to yourself today.....

Friday 21st February 2020
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
A mixed day yesterday but on the whole ig was a great day, as long as I ignore the dementia demon which I'm getting better at!  Mom is really struggling with it all right now, you can even begin to imagine what's going on in her head can you, in a morning when she's confused she's more loving, in the afternoon and evening she's scared and copes with it through anger and aggression.  She can literally turn at the flick of a switch.  It it wasn't such a cruel disease, it'd be absolutely fascinating to study I would think.  The brain is just the most incredible thing and yet here's most of the planet more concerned with the outer case than what's on the inside!  More concerned with how pert their butts are or how plump their lips are than how healthy their brain is!  Bit sad that really ain't it.  I'd rather be clever than have a skinny ass, I'd rather make people laugh and smile than have a wrinkle free face.  I'd rather my brain stayed healthy for as long as I'm lucky enough to be on this planet than be aesthetically pleasing.  Each to their own though, you is what you is.

I didn't eat as healthily as I have been doing yesterday, actually yeah I did, I just succumbed to a packet of mini cheddars, hardly cause to put myself in front of the food firing squad, everything else I ate was healthy, I stopped at the Tesco garage and bought a tray of chopped fruit, some bananas, a salad bowl which I ate for my lunch with a can of tuna.  The for tea I had the WW slow cooked tikka masala (it was okay, I wouldn't rush to eat it again), I had that with microwave rice, ate the whole packet which I wouldn't normally but hey, could've been worse.  Losing 5lb in two weeks was a bit of a surprise and unexpected so I got a bit blasé ain't I thinking well if I can lose that without trying too much. blah blah blah.  

Oh I did make time for me to do my dancing round the kitchen with my, Sheila got me an ankle support, bless her, so that will hopefully help.  I'm hoping the more I do it the easier my knees, back and ankle will find it and they'll strengthen.  It only being 20 minutes is helping too, not too long but long enough to make a difference.  They say to do 30 minutes a day don't they, well eventually I'll build up to that. 

Thinking about how my mom was with me yesterday, it made me think about how other people can be mean, but also how we can be unkind to ourselves.  There's been a lot of posts on social media this week about being kind to each other after the loss of Caroline Flack but how about being nice to ourselves.  If we don't like ourselves, it's way more difficult to like anyone else.  

So here's today's thought for you to ponder; 

If you were to be really nice to yourself today what would you say to yourself?
If you were to be really nice to yourself today how would you treat yourself?
What would you eat, how would you move?  How would you be kind to yourself?

Let's start on ourselves, then we can spread that love and kindness around like confetti.  

I'm going to make time to do my kitchen dancing like Donna Summer once the blinds are down, I'm going to treat myself to a massage but also I'm going to treat myself to slowing down, there's no need to rush today, it's my day off.  I'm also going to do my best to lift my moms spirits but if she's in one of her bad moods, I will put up my emotional shield to protect myself.  I'll find something on tele to distract her, we watched a programme about monkeys yesterday, she loved that, so maybe more factual stuff is the future. 

Here's to a great day.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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