Tuesday 18 February 2020

Here's to a tremendous Tuesday!

Tuesday 18th February 2020
Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean me first, it means me too.

It's going to be a great day!  I'm going to continue to believe this even when things happen that try to change it.  Yesterday the phone rang and it was the people the dementia nurse had referred us to, DUH she then proceeded to ask me if I could get mom to say it was okay for us to talk about her.  Well that went down like a lead balloon and the rest of the day was a bit poo cos mom went into one saying how dare they treat her like she's not all there, blah blah blah.  What's frustrating about that situation is it was preventable.  They have my mobile so no need to use the landline and ask me uncomfortable questions about her in front of her and I also have power of attorney to give me permission to discuss mom's medical issues - it's all on the files if they read them!  So yeah, yesterday was an uncomfortable day.

I didn't let it throw me off track though, I did Day 2 of the Body Groove, loving it, it makes me smile, oh and it's making all my muscles hurt a little which means it's actually doing something, so that's a good thing isn't it.  She also gives you things to think about which is always a good thing.  Day one she asked us to ask ourselves 'is this as good as it gets?'  Well is it?  If you could make changes to your life, what would they be?  What area's of your life would you like to change?  Oh and be realistic, there are some things in your life you can't change, acknowledge and accept them!

One of the things I want to change is my weight, why?  Because I know when I'm lighter, I have more energy, my joints don't hurt so much and I eat in a way that makes me feel like I matter, that I'm taking care of myself.  I also want to do stuff and not just be a coach potato, so yep that's where my attention is being sent to at the moment, I'm going to lose some weight by Summer.  

Yesterday I enjoyed the rest of my melon (I will get me another yellow melon, I really enjoyed it) with yogurt and a spoon of honey.  Then later on I needed to use up the spuds I'd bought so I made this; 

You get a lot of boiled potatoes for 6SP and that Asda stewed steak is only 5SP for the can, I fry some onions, add a couple of oxo and swill the can out with some water to make it go even further.  It's a real comfort food.  

I might make a potato salad with some of the other spuds I boiled yesterday, that'd be tasty.  I've got some Spinach Gnocchi that has a use by date of today so I'm going to cook that later, not sure how yet, but I've defrosted some salmon so I'm thinking they'll go together well. 

But first I need a cuppa, followed by a shower and then I'll get ready for a wonderful day at work, it's half term I know some of your are away but if you're not, please make an effort to come get weighed, it'll help keep you focused, plus I like to catch up with you all.

Here's to a very great day and taking care of ourselves because WE MATTER!   

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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