Sunday 16 February 2020

Get your groove on?

Sunday 16th February 2020
A secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is, instead of what you think it should be.

Well it's Sunday and after being woke up by Alfie at 3am and struggling to get straight back to sleep, I eventually did and slept till 7 thankfully so I'm rested.   Mom went to bed early so I got to watch the ret of the greatest dancer and fast forwarded through the masked singer to find out who they were in peace because she doesn't like either! 

I've enjoyed my workshops this week, we've talked about setting goals that we can actually attain and not just though huge goals that overwhelm us because they feel like we've go no chance of reaching them.  I'm proud of my bestie, she wanted to be the lightest she'd been in a long time for her 40th and she did it, yes she's been that weight before but not for well over a decade and she didn't take a healthy route to get there.  This time, she's spent the last few years chipping away at the numbers, whilst changing the way she eats on a day to day basic, introducing healthy habits that work for her.   She's always been beautiful but now she radiates a confidence and feeling of happiness that comes from being in the body she wants to own.   Has it always been easy for her?  Hell no, I'm glad to say my V still knows how to have a good time, how to enjoy her holidays and special nights out but then gets back to her healthy eating routine that works for her.

This is the important bit that we all need to work on, what works for you, we're all individual and what works for one won't work for another.   Our lives are different, our routines, our circumstances, it's important we work with that.  She goes to exercise classes a couple of times a week and that works, I could't do that, I don't like them for starters and having mom to care for would make it very difficult.   I do walk the dog but it's not enough so I'm aware I need to do something, that's on my 'to do' list, I'm going to start looking for what fits with me, today that will look like something called Body Groove, I can do this at home, there's a months free trial and it was as if it came up at a time when I needed it, I believe the universe sends me messages when I'm ready.  This woman popped up on my Facebook timeline some time last year and I remember watching her clip thinking wow, she can move, I'd love to be able to dance like that, so natural, then the voice in my head came back with all the negative messages, saying yeah but you can't, even if you tried you know you don't have her rhythm, you wouldn't have enough room in your house to do that either, then there's the time you don't have. blah blah blah SHUT UP!  And at the time, it won, then on Thursday the lovely Claire mentioned she'd been using this app called body groove and I liked the sound of it, she said it's just dancing and doing your own thing, enjoying moving your body, I asked Sharon to write it down so I wouldn't forget it.  Then Claire thankfully sent me a link which made me go check it out and it was the same lady from those Facebook posts I'd seen last year, so I decided yes, I will give it a go, it's free for 30 days, then £7.95 a month, I plan to give it a start this morning, once I've walked Alfie and tidied the kitchen.  Watch this space!  I don't plan to record it, the idea is to be able to move my body without thinking about it. This is the link she sent me and this is the website, or search apps for Body Groove if you're interested. 

Anyway, I need to walk Alfie, he didn't go yesterday as it never stopped raining and he didn't seem fussed, this morning however, he's doing my head in to go out.  

It's going to be a great day 😊 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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