Tuesday 4 February 2020


Tuesday 4th February 2020
Ask yourself if what you're doing today is taking you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

Did you track? I did and I managed to stay on track too!  Ended on 26SP over the day, I forgot to say I lost a pound yesterday at the scales too, so January wasn't great, I started February 1.5lb heavier than I finished 2019 but hey I was 50 last month, I had my first meal out with my besties since JUNE!  Yeah June!  And my reward for that was sitting there yesterday feeling a cold coming on, the scratchy throat, the headache, you know the drill.  Thankfully I've had a good nights sleep even if it was a late one for me, half ten by the time mom stopped talking to Alfie and I got to sleep but I've slept soundly so hopefully it'll be a short lived head cold, fingers crossed. 

Mmm what challenge shall I set today, well I watched 'Last Christmas' the movie at the weekend and she said something along the lines of life's about helping others, or words with a similar theme.  This got me to thinking how we feel good when we help others so that's your daily challenge, either do a good deed or plan to do one, as small or large as you want but trust me you will feel better for it and isn't that what we're aiming for? 

Feeling fabulous isn't just about what we eat and what we weigh, it's about lifting our mood, being glad to get out of bed in the morning, being surrounded by people who love you and you love them right back.

Helping other people is an important part of living a good life.  WHY?  I'm not suggesting you put everyone else before your own needs because you probably have a life as busy as mine however The Mental Health Foundation of the UK explains some of the benefits of helping others in their booklet Good Does You Good. They say that evidence shows that helping others can have a positive effect on your own mental health and well being. It can improve your mood, self-esteem and happiness. Among their reasons for giving your time are these:

It reduces stress. Positive emotions reduce stress, boost our immune system, and in turn can protect us against disease.

It helps get rid of negative feelings. Negative emotions such as anger, aggression or hostility have a negative impact on our mind and body. Engaging in random acts of kindness can help decrease these feelings and stabilise our overall health.

It can help us live longer. Giving and helping others may increase how long we live.

According to Psychology Today, we feel good when we give because we get what researchers call a “helpers high.”  helping others releases endorphins which, in turn, improves mood and boosts self-esteem. In short, helping others feels good. It’s possible that helping others does more for the happiness of the person helping than the person who receives the help.

I'm not suggesting you only help others for what you get out of it, but it's certainly a bonus isn't it. 

What could you do?  Sheila visited mom last week and gave up a couple of hours of her time, that was a lovely thing to do and a change for mom from me and my sister, she got to talk about stuff we've heard time and time again and Sheila let her. 

Good deeds don't have to be big, I was going to make some suggestions but I'm not going to, have a think what can you do to make a difference in this world.

Oh and track again today, that's helping you!  This month is going to be FebYOUary and you're going to end it feeling fabulous.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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