Wednesday 29 January 2020

Let's make February the new January ay!

Wednesday 29th January 2020
Climb the mountains, do not carry them.

I will not stop trying, I will not stop trying, I will not stop trying!  The more I say it, the more it'll stick in my head.  The scales do not always tell the full truth and we have to accept that, I'd lost 3lb on Sunday, but when I did my official weigh-in on Monday I gained 2lb, I've just stepped on this morning and that 2lb is gone, it's called bodily fluctuations and of course over time if you're following the plan the weight loss should show regularly, there will always be the odd fluctuation you aren't expecting and it's so important not to let it knock you off track.  I watched two leave my workshop yesterday upset because that had happened and because they didn't stay to the workshop, I couldn't do anything more once they'd gone.  I bloody hate scales when they make people feel that way, its just the most soul destroying thing to witness and I completely empathise because I've felt that way in the past.

Now as usual for me, it hasn't been the best January regarding my weight, I always enter the month determined to make it a good month and I rarely do, but if I entered the month believing it was pointless well I'd be guaranteed weight gain where as at least I'm no heavier than I was when it started.

In the words of C.S. Lewis, 'You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.'  Now I could wait till next week because I'm going out for a curry on Friday, the first time I've been out in forever, but that would be super silly wouldn't it.   Instead I'm improving, doing what I can and going to work on my stress / emotional eating.  Let's make February the new January ay!

I was really positive over Alfie at the beginning of the day yesterday, but then about 3ish, he reverted to how he'd been panting, jumping over me anxiously and pacing around, I'm back at the vets this morning to discuss what the steroid injection did, I do think for 24 hours it made some difference, for the first time in a long time, he'd been more realistic with his walk and not objected to returning home.

Foodwise, well I ended up eating my breakfast standing up by the oven because it was later than I thought and my sister walked in just as I'd cooked it, I need to get back to being more organised in the morning, I'm not the only one with responsibilities and others manage to do it.  Oh I had a toastie with the leftover beans if you were wondering.  For my lunch I had some roast chicken, again was busy so just picked at it sitting at my desk.  Then for my dinner, my helper Mel had been talking about muffins and I needed bread so I stopped at the Tesco garage on my way home to buy some but they hadn't got any muffins, they did have Warburton's white baps though and they were 4SP each, 6 for £1, so I bought them.  I smiled this morning as I was looking through my Facebook memories and I bought a pack this time 2 years ago too - there not something I buy regular and it always amuses me that I do this with lots of food, tend to buy it on the same day but a different year - creature of habit!

I had 6SP of Co-op skinny fries  with egg and a bap (4SP), then wanting to add something that resembled a vegetable, I decided to have beetroot and gherkins, all that for 10SP is a bargain.  I'm going to pre-make some thing for my breakfast tomorrow and also have my meals planned for the day because I know Thursday is always my temptation day.  I've got lots of green beans that need using in the fridge, I might make a curry with them as I always like them in a curry, I'll do something with them any, I'll let you know.  I'm not having them wasted that's for sure.

Since my brother suggested I get myself a freezer for the shed, I've been thinking about it a lot, when I do my online shop weekly, my veggies never keep or I change my mind about what I fancy, the freezer I have in the kitchen isn't big enough, so I'm thinking if I had one in the shed, I could have lots of frozen vegetables in there and I'd never run out of anything.

Anyways, it was another disturbed sleep night because of moms coughing, I'm going to go ask the doctor even if she doesn't agree I think, at least I managed to sleep in till half six, so I've had some sleep.  Here's to saying it's going to be a great day.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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