Sunday 19 January 2020

Half a Century! WOW!

Sunday 19th January 2020
Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart.

Yesterday morning I opened my door to be presented with a glorious bouquet of flowers and a Manchester tart, as I went to take them in thinking can my day get any better, my sister rocks up with a cheese and onion pie!  Well I thought, my birthday ain't till tomorrow but that's me happy for the weekend, dinner and pudding, sorted.

Once at work, more cards, gifts and this fabulous cake; 

Isn't it wonderful, with little Alfie under my wool and my wine at my feet - I'd like to know when she's been in my house to see me like that, cos it's exactly what I look like all weekend ;) 

I had a lovely morning, followed by a few difficult hours with mom and Alfie, he ran off last night and I hadn't realised he'd gone (I went to put a sticker on the bin but that's another drama you don't need to hear) luckily he'd run in a flat up the road and straight up their stairs, if their door hadn't been open at the time I don't even want to think about what would've happened.  Note to self, he can't be trusted at all anymore!

Things eventually calmed down, and we watched a bit of telly, mom had a little cry over Alfie, so I joined her, it's good to let tears fall sometimes, it cleans your eyes xx

Today I turn 50, mom thinks I was born in the afternoon and it was raining (I've asked before and that's all she can remember), what I do know is if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have been born at all, so today I shall celebrate my birthday at home with her and share my cake too 😉

I'm not usually fussed about my birthday if I'm honest, but 50 seems significant, I've always been the baby in my family!  When you're a kid 50 seems ancient, but now I'm here, yeah I feel my age, I have my aches and pains but I feel good.  I have no words of wisdom today, I'm just going to eat too much and drink some wine, I've already decided this last week that some things have to change, I'm not 100% sure what I mean by that, but I have the rest of my 50th year to think about it, I don't have to do any thinking today do I cos it's my birthday!

Here's to a very happy birthday for me.  Whatever you're doing enjoy xx

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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