Friday 17 January 2020

Gearing up for Project Me

Friday 17th January 2020
Shine like gold, sparkle like glitter

YES a better me is coming!  I've had enough of how I've been feeling and no more I say, no more!  My 50th year (which starts Sunday) is going to be Project Me, oh if you're sitting there thinking 'here we go again' Meh, I don't care, I've got a voice like that in my head already and I've told her to shut the **** up!

Yeah I've done a lot of thinking over the last couple of days and there's a lot going on that I can't change but there's a lot I can change and I'm one of those things.  I proper belly laughed with Natalie as we were packing up last night, we were being real silly like a couple of kids who were playing their mom up (Carol) and it made me feel so good, I used to be like that all the time, but dementia has worn me down and it's done a damn good job of it too.  I don't like this time of year anyway but add everything that's been going on to the equation and its easily to let it consume me but I'm not going to, I refuse to.  I'm going to use this yakky time of year to get me looking and feeling better ready for when the sun starts shining again (do you remember sunshine, it's that warm thing in the sky that makes us feel better and makes people smile).

What does Project Me look like?  Erm, dow know yet lol, but you don't have to know everything before you get started do ya, you don't have to know what you're doing, you just have to start.  All I know is I'm going to enjoy it and it's going to make me feel better, sounds good to me.

Because at the moment I feel like Pooh when he got stuck, in case you don't know the story and because I think everyone needs a bit of Pooh, here it is;

"The fact is", said Rabbit, "You're stuck."
"It all comes,", said Pooh crossly, "of not having front doors big enough."
"It all comes" said Rabbit sternly, "of eating too much.  I thought at the time," said Rabbit, "only I didn't like to say anything." said Rabbit, "that one of us was eating too much," said Rabbit, "and I knew it wasn't me," he said.
"Well, well, I shall go and fetch Christopher Robin."
"How long does getting thin take?" asked Pooh anxiously.
"About a week, I should think."
"But I can't stay here for a week!"
"You can stay here all right, silly old Bear.  It's getting you out which is so difficult."
We'll read to you," saidRabbit cheerfully. "And I hope it won't snow," he added.  "And I say, old fellow, you're taking up a good deal of room in my house - do you mind if I use your back legs as a towel-horse?  Because, I mean, there they are - doing nothing - and it would be very convenient just to hang the towels on the."
"A week!" said Pooh gloomily.  "What about meals?"
"I'm afraid no meals," said Christopher Robin, "because of getting thin quicker.  But we will read to you."

Well I'm not up for the NO MEALS idea but I do relate to the being stuck metaphorically (I think that's the right word), but eating too much is adding to the problem for sure, so I will spend the next few days thinking about some of the things I can do in my year of Project Me and you can if you want either read my journey or join me, take the bits you like and do them and ignore the things you ain't so keen on.  One of the things I've already decided is 50 is a good number, so I'm going to do 50 of things, like yesterday I started a list of 50 things I'm glad I've done in my life.  I'm also going to read 50 books (I'm on book 3 already, might have to read a few shorter ones to get through that many in a year, thankfully I do audible ones so listen when walking the dog and in the car).  I'm also going to cook 50 new recipes - one a week that's doable, again I've already done two.  Got any ideas of what else I could do, let me know.

But for now I just want to share with you my dinner from yesterday because it was delicious;

The pizza was 9SP, I really enjoyed it too, and only 59p I think. The fries were 6SP in half pack. 

Okay, moms up and we've just had a little giggle together so I'm going to go enjoy her whilst she's in a good mood.  Here's to a very great day, a lovely massage this morning to look forward to, paid for again by another wonderful person, how lucky am I!

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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