Thursday 19 December 2019

Time is a currency you can only spend once

Thursday 19th December 2019
May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve

Had my first mince pie last night, swiftly followed by heartburn, that's me cured for another year!  Hopefully the fear of heartburn and indigestion will stop me from overeating too much this Christmas.

I spent most of yesterday walking Alfie and making these when I wasn't at work.  Then celebrated when I got home from work with a glass of wine.

I also made me a bowl of cauliflower rice again and this time I grated some parmesan cheese on once cooked and popped back into the oven for a couple of minutes to melt a little, I'd turned the oven off by then.

Yep, highly recommend roasted cauliflower rice. 

My members and Facebook friends did me proud again, this food and case was donated to an ex service man who was struggling to pay the bills let alone give his 7 year old daughter a Christmas this year.  Thankfully a local chap on Facebook asked for help via the WV11 group and now they'll be able to enjoy Christmas and hopefully he won't have to worry about paying the rent till next year.  

My lovely Julie treated herself to these in my workshop last week; 

and this week she made these and bought them for us to sample (oh and they were delicious)

All I can say is if Julie lived in my house and baked things like this, I'd have even more of a weight problem than I do now, nom nom nom. 

I really do have the best people in my world, my helpers are just amazing, each and every week they rock up to help me and they care about both me and my members, I've truly grateful and blessed to have them in my life.

A conversation yesterday reminded me that 15 years ago I made the right decision to become a WW coach.  Yes I earned more doing my previous job, but I was also a great deal more stressed.  I also did the right thing cutting down on my hours over the last few years, even if it does mean having less spare cash.  The stress caused by not having a work / life balance just isn't worth it.  I know we've got to pay the bills but once that's done, I'd rather spend time sitting with my mom whilst I've got her and watching repeats on the tv and seeing mom being surprised at what happens next.  

When I earned more, I worked longer hours and was that exhausted I'd buy expensive convenient food to eat and 'treat' myself to more things to cheer me up, by changing jobs I don't have to do that now, thus saving money and being able to earn less.  It's all about finding a balance.  Sadly some people are even able to earn enough to pay their bills, this is why there are so many food banks, that isn't right at all is it. 

Today I will be grateful for having a job to go to, for having lovely helpers and members bringing me pot noodles to pass on to the Walsall street ministry to hand out and I'll come home late tonight so thankful for a roof over my head and hot food to put in my belly.

Mwah, see the good in your day, luv ya 

Love me x

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