Friday 27 December 2019

Leftovers for Breakfast - hell yeah!

Friday 27th December 2019
A strong person looks a challenge in the eye and gives it a wink.

WOO HOO thanks to a very generous Christmas gift voucher, I've just had £85 worth of lovely yarn for £30 thanks to the January sale, a 15% first time ordering code and the voucher! How flipping good is that, gonna make myself a nice cardigan, now just to find a pattern. although I didn't crochet yesterday as my backs in bits and I'm not sure that the crochet is helping, we were in bed by half 6 just so I could lie down. I've put a big thick quilt on top of my mattress just to make it a little softer, although I don't think my mattress is the only culprit, not just like that overnight. At least I've slept, yeah I've had a good long sleep, woke a few times but went back to sleep pretty quickly and it's not hurting quite as much as when I went to bed thankfully. I'll dose up all day on anti inflammatories and hope that helps ease it.

Ooo the highlight of yesterday though has to have been my dinner, oh yes, it was immense.

Honey and mustard parsnips, spuds in proper fat, roasted onions and carrots nom nom and DOH, it wasn't until I'd eaten it that I remembered the mash in the microwave lol. And guess what's going to make it even better, I have a spare for my breakfast, I can diet in January! I'll need to as well lol.

Other than that and a bacon, egg and mushroom sarnie for breakfast, the only other thing I had was a packet of twiglets and some booze, and even that I didn't go crazy with. Back to work tomorrow morning for a few hours so I won't be drinking lots today either so hopefully the damage at the scales won't be too bad, I did step on this morning though and it's not looking good - oops, we'll not think about it till Monday in this house I reckon, this is the nearest to a holiday I've had this year so I'm shutting the curtains and pretending we're in Wales!

Mom stole my wrap I crocheted, look at that face, how could I resist it!

Okay, I know a lot of you are getting back on it today, hear that? That's me clapping, well done you, I'm gonna join ya on Monday, just remember it may not be easy and you may slip but that's okay, one step at a time I say. I may not be getting back to trying to lose weight till Monday but I'm not going to be eating ridiculously either, I just have nice food in the fridge I want to eat without pointing it, starting with that spare dinner!

I'm off to look at another wool website that's got a sale on, gotta be done, then we'll try for another chilled out day, moms never gonna be 'well' but if I can keep the calmness then it makes it better, so here's to calm x

Mwah, luv ya

Love me

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