Saturday 14 December 2019

I do love a burger

Saturday 14th December 2019
You're a fighter, look at everything you've overcome, don't give up now.

This was my dinner yesterday, it was delicious!  Even put some gherkins on there and pretended it was a maccy's only lower in Smart Points, 
This is the buttermilk fish burger, 5SP from Aldi. There's 100g of fries 5SP and I guessed the bread roll at 5SP too.

I'm cold this morning, the heating not warming up fast enough, but I'm smiling cos yesterday did get better after the initial start to the day and mom had a really good calm day, she'd even washed up a few cups when I got back from my massage, here's hoping for a weekend of the same, but first to go to work and see my lovely members.  

I did treat myself to the Tao of Pooh on audio and listened to a good half of it, thoroughly enjoyed as always, a bit like a counselling session for me, lots of reminders in there that help me live a life that works for me. 

One bit that stuck with me was, 

'Why do birds fly South for the winter?'
Science, 'Instinct'

It means, 'we don't know'. The important thing is, we don't really need to know.   It then goes on to say what we need to do is recognise Inner Nature and work with Things As They Are, when we don't we get into trouble.

This made me think about moms dementia, instead of trying to understand it, just accept it and go with it, taking it one day at a time is working for us.  Allowing myself to have good days and bad days when it comes to taking care of mom is just as okay as mom having good and bad days too.  Just know that it's happening whether we like it or no so let's go with it.

Yeah it's such a simple book but so clever, as is Winnie the Pooh, the book is full of wonderful and should be given to every child and adult for reading.

Anyway, like Pooh my brain is a little empty this morning, I plan to go jump in the shower to warm me up.  I've already got my dinner cooked, I put a chicken curry in the slow cooker yesterday afternoon but after eating my burger and chips I wasn't hungry at all.

Here's hoping for a peaceful day, but regardless of what it brings, I'll just go with the flow, it's less stressful.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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