Sunday 8 December 2019

Be better...

Sunday 8th December 2019
Allow yourself to be a beginner, no one starts off being excellent.

Well I finally had my apple crumble and custard and it cost me 19SP, I'm so glad I bought individual portions and small pots of custard because if it had been a large one, I would've eaten so much more!  

Now I could've saved so many points by using tinned apple and doing my own topping!  The WW shortbread biscuits crushed up make a delicious alternative, 2 of them for 2 points, zero for the tinned apple and 6 for the pot of custard. You could go even further and replace the custard with some fat free natural yogurt flavoured with vanilla.  

Anyway, it's out of my system now and I did have it as my dinner so not so bad.  I spent the afternoon finishing off my cardigan, ignore the face, that's my I'm concentrating and trying to take a decent photo of the cards, forgetting my head is in the shot face 😉 I'm rather pleased with how it's turned out though, I already had the yarn as didn't want to buy anymore until I've used my stash up, so not bad, I'd definitely have a go at more cardigans, I'd like one in cotton yarn, as I can never get them in the shops.

Had a chat with my bro yesterday whilst walking Alfie, we'd tried whilst home but mom was having none of it, she doesn't like not being centre of attention, which is why it's a waste of time anyone coming to visit me, if they visit her and she gets 100% attention, that's okay.

She called me mom when she woke up this morning, it's the only thing that I find difficult to hear, all the rage, mistaking me for my sister, even not knowing who I am, none of that bothers me but when she calls out to me 'mom', for some reason, it affects me, maybe it's because it gives me a little insight into where she is in her head.  I love this time of day with her, she's at her best and she tells me she loves me and we have some lovely moments.  They keep me going and help me through the rest thankfully, because the rest can get really difficult to handle.

Anyway, back to more positive things, I've now started possibly my most important project of the year, a pink baby blanket for a special little girls baby doll.  I love that she absolutely adores her dolls, its just so refreshing when you see so many kids with iPads and phones to see one playing with a toy you actually remember!  Although I wasn't a doll kind of girl, I loved my teddies if I remember right. 

I'm going to spend a little time in the kitchen today I think, now I've finished that cardigan and I'm in no rush to be anywhere or do anything today (for a change lol), I'm hoping for a maintain on the scales tomorrow, I don't really deserve a loss and no one ever wants a gain do they!  I'm going to try and be better this week, think about what I'm having, make some better choices, stay away from moms junk, yes let's BE BETTER!

On that note, I'm off to make another cuppa for my mom and get me some more water.  Catch ya tomorrow.  

mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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