Tuesday 19 November 2019

Today I will get stuff done!

Tuesday 19th November 2019
You are allowed to take your time, to grow in your own beautiful way.
Yesterday was a very, very long day but it was calmer than the weekend had been thankfully, mom was completely exhausted and slept till lunchtime, for the first time I just sat there thinking, I didn't crochet, the tele was on but I wasn't really watching it, I just sat staring into space thinking about this whole situation.  When she finally woke up Alfie and I went for a long walk, he was in the mood bless him and I kept my eye on her using my phone, knowing my sister was only round the corner if needed.  I chatted to my sis on the phone for half hour whilst I walked, I realised it was the first human I talked to that day besides my mom, we laughed at the fact all I want to do is go shopping, yeah how sad is it that supermarket shopping is the highlight of my week.  The freedom to go and do what you want when you want is the thing I miss most about my life right now and that includes a walk round Aldi, which is what I'm doing today after my workshop this morning, my sis is going to stay longer with mom.  Mom was good till it came time to go to bed, midnight before she finally settled, I lay in bed listening out for her and reading an article on Facebook that had popped up in my timeline about dementia and sleep lol.

I'd love to tell you about how healthy my diet was yesterday but I'd be lying, or how much I got done, again I'd be lying.  I didn't do much at all yesterday, I managed a sink of washing up.  I'm glad to be going back to work this morning, some normality in what is a strange life right now. 

Okay so what needs to happen?  I had my recovery day yesterday, that was a really tough, emotional weekend for both mom and me, I needed that time to not think, be or do anything, but today is another day.  I'm going to start it with eggs on toast, maybe a spoonful of beans too, some mushrooms, then I'm going to go shopping and buy some healthy foods and get myself eating healthily again, the better I eat, the better I'll feel and the easier this will all be to handle.  

My sister and I are already approaching all this with humour, if folk could hear the conversations we have, they'd think we were bad daughters but obviously we're not, it's just our way of coping.  

Now to decide whether to do green, blue or purple!  Decisions, decisions, I'm loving seeing how everyone else is doing, how they're all trying the different plans and seeing how it fits into their lifestyles.  If you are still undecided or haven't started yet just remember; 

No plan is better or healthier than another.
No plan leads to more weight loss than another.
No plan leads to more flexibility or freedom.

It's all about finding the plan that's most liveable for you, I know blue encourages me to eat healthier foods, so I'm thinking would purple encourage me to eat even more healthy foods and spend less on wine, I didn't drink at all yesterday, so that progress lol, told ya I didn't do much of anything yesterday! 

I need to get my healthy back, I can't handle this life in an unfit state, so here's to actually cooking a meal or two today, rather than just grabbing food!  

Hope you had a more successful Monday than I did, can't wait to see how everyone got on this week at the scales.  

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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