Wednesday 6 November 2019

If you don't make time for your wellness...

Wednesday 6th November
If you don't make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.

Yeah 3 months from now you will thank yourself when you haven't had to make the same New Year's resolutions for 2020 that you made in 2019 because you didn't give up. Okay you may not weigh any lighter than you actually do today, but won't it be great that you aren't any heavier either!  Earlier in the week I talked about surviving the struggle and focusing on getting through one day at a time, but a few things yesterday made me realise I actually do want to lose weight too, I've had a few conversations this past week that have reminded me wellness isn't just about looking slimmer, it isn't just about what you eat, it's so much more, our health is so important and you can't buy good health so we do really need to look after ourselves.

How we take care of ourselves now will make a huge difference as we grow older and trust me getting old is hard enough without abusing your mind and body before you even arrive there!  Ooo can you tell I'm feeling a little deep this morning but hearing someone tell you they have heart failure and another that they've had skin cancer really made me sit up and take notice because neither were much older than me!  

Yes it's made me think a lot and realise that the fact my top didn't hide my top belly at all yesterday and I was very self-conscious about it is nothing compared to what could happen to my body if I don't get a little bit more serious about losing weight.  I seem to have maintenance sussed after my weight loss in the middle of the year, now to restart the losing and get a bit more off before Christmas, thankfully I don't have lots of celebrations to worry about causing me too much trouble and I won't be buying loads of seasonal food because mom really doesn't need any more crap in the house, we have enough trouble with what she already has.

I may be a little deep this morning but at the same time I'm not gonna go all out extreme because it's not about perfect, it's about effort and when we bring that effort every single day, that's where transformation happens - that's how change occurs.   We can't change our lives until we change something we do daily, the secret to our success is found in our daily routine.

So daily routine is what I will work on.  I've got the water thing nailed, I've cut right down on the caffeine, one mug of tea in the morning and then maybe a cup of coffee at my workshops but otherwise it's water.  I know the wine needs to be cut down on, that's my biggest challenge because it's my pleasure, but I know I can do it.  Shopping at Aldi has helped already as I've mentioned previously but what it's also doing is making me think about having regular meals rather than trying to have different stuff all the time, so going back to having a roast every Sunday, no thought necessary each week, other than maybe opting for a different meat and different veggies on the plate.  If I had regular meals like that, it would be easier to remember to eat fish at least twice a week, including a portion of oily fish such as pilchards, sardines and salmon which are a source of omega-3 fats, which may help protect against heart disease.  All this is stuff we all know but either choose to forget or ignore!

I really need to cut down on salt, just lately I've been using more, so again that's something to look at, I'm looking at the NHS website and that says adults should eat less than 6g of salt a day in total, that's about 1 teaspoon.  There's 1.8g in an oxo cube and we all know how much I like those!  

Thankfully I gave up smoking a good 25 years ago, so if you're a smoker that's the single best thing you can do for your heart health and your wallet which was my reason for quitting, how scary that I cared more about my cash than my health!

Getting active oh and staying active can also reduce your risking of developing heart disease, plus it's a great mood booster and stress buster remember.  NHS guidelines 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity every week, I think I do that.

Manage your weight - well we know that lol!  All I need to do is follow the plan, plus do it in a healthy way by eating more fibre (at least 30g a day), cut down on saturated fat and get our 5 a day.   I think I'm pretty good at all this, I just need to work on my portion control and also the extra stuff that isn't needed.

Yeah, as well as feeling healthy and helping myself to live a healthy, happy life, I don't want to have to think about which top to put on so I'm not feeling uncomfortable in it because it doesn't quite fit properly!

This is why today I will stay within my Smart Points allowance, I already know I'm having faggots for my dinner, I've just looked and there's 2.8g of salt in 2, I shall have them with mash and cabbage, oh and some roast onions and carrots, piling on the veggies there.  That'll really fill me up for the day so my evening meal can be something light, maybe soup.  Now that's interesting, I'd have thought there was a lot more salt in faggots than soup, but a can of Heinz mushroom soup has 2.4g of salt in it so not much in it, I might use that soup as a sauce on a fish pie actually at some point.  I might opt for baked beans on toast for breakfast though, I'm suddenly into beans, I've got some smoked haddock in the freezer, could get that out for a breakfast one of the mornings when I don't have to go out early.

Yeah, I'm back in the mindset that reminds me I matter!  I'm adjusting to less sleep or disturbed sleep, I'm counting my blessing rather than focusing on the Alzheimers, we will survive lol.

I'm 50 on January 19th which is 73 days away, that's just over 10 weeks away, so I like the idea of 4 months from now I will thank myself, I'd rather start my 50's with a healthier change of surviving them!  What would you like to feel like in 3 months?  They say it takes you 4 weeks to notice a difference, your family and friends 8 weeks and the rest of the world 12 weeks, how great would it be when most folks are thinking 'oh I need to do something about my weight, I feel so unhealthy' for you to be thinking, 'damn, I'm so glad I didn't give up last November because it was winter and Christmas was on the way'.  Yeah I like that idea a great deal, don't you?

One day at a time, make tweaks not huge changes and let's survive the struggle together!

Mwah, luv ya

nearly as much as I love me 😜  

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