Saturday 2 November 2019

Can I get a whoop whoop?

Saturday 2nd November 2019
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.

See eating better instantly makes me feel better, yesterday I had pilchards on toast for my breakfast, they were great, I've fancied them for weeks now.  Then for my dinner I cooked this; 

sliced the courgette and pepper, placed on a baking sheet, seasoned with salt, pepper and onion powder, then sprinkled 1SP of parmesan, then roasted for about 20 minutes it was delicious.  The gnocchi was a bit soggy, I could've over cooked it I guess, I'll do the other packet a little shorter in time, then maybe fry it off to dry it out a little.

I've just seen this idea on WW USA site baked eggs in acorn squash now I love the idea of using the squash as a bowl, I don't think I'd do this particular recipe but stuffed with savoury rice, now you're talking!

mom struggled through yesterday, it was a bad day, but at least my sister got the good day Thursday for a change, hopefully we'll get a calmer weekend, she is struggling though, it's so, I was going to say unfair, but it wouldn't be fair for anyone, that's the thing with life, it's not fair, but it's not fair for all of us so that kind of makes it fair after all, lol, ignore me.  Actually that's just made me do a google and I've found my next audible book to listen too, it's called It's Not Fair by Melanie Dale, I'll let you know if it's any good.

How's "NO"vember going for you, I know a few of you have really embraced the idea in different ways too which is brilliant, because you've personalised it, I think we all need to say NO to giving up taking care of ourselves no matter how tough it gets or how busy we are, it really doesn't take much more time to cook a healthy meal than an unhealthy one, I've already got my dinner started, diced beef in the slow cooker with Pataks saag masala, that'll be delicious later with rice, it took me seconds to tip in the slow cooker, I need to start using that more, I've also done double quantity so I can freeze some.  If you type slow cooker into the WW app and choose recipes, there's lots of choices, I like the sound of Korean pork pot roast for 7SP a portion or slow cooked balsamic chicken mmm.

It's too easy to stop trying isn't it, we get caught up in other things, we justify it with all kinds of thoughts from 'I can't afford it' to 'I don't have the time right now' or 'I'm far too stressed to think about my diet'.  I've done em all, the financial implications were a no brainer for me, if I compare my monthly fee to the month I waste on other things that don't last anywhere near as long or benefit me in any way, how much is a Costa Coffee these days, or a meal out, how much is a bar of chocolate and a packet of crisps, or a meal deal, yeah it's money well spent.  Think of all the money that will be spent on kids this Christmas, on stuff they'll throw half of it away after playing with it for an hour and we stop investing a little in ourselves.  Then there's the time factor, I get this I really do but it's time well spent, it's a great chance to have some social time with others who not only relate to your struggle but can help you with ideas and motivation.  Who doesn't want to stop and relax for a bit?  The stress thing, well I get that right now I really do and I've realised it's because of how stressful my life is right now that I really do need to bother, otherwise I'm going to end up ill myself!  I know when I don't weigh in with my coach each week, I don't follow the plan so well, even if I make out I do, little things sneak back in and before I know it, I'll be back where I started again and I don't want that at all.

This week is all about the mini 'high 5's' I'm going to give myself for anything I do that helps my journey, it can be something as small as eating a satsuma yesterday, yeah that's high five worthy for me as I don't do fruit really at all.  Getting my dinner on before 6am is a big high 5 I reckon, saying no to all the biscuits mom offered me yesterday didn't just earn me a high 5, it deserved a whoop whoop I can tell ya!


I refuse to ignore my own wellness, my own physical and mental health, I don't only refuse to ignore it, I plan to prioritise it because what's the point of being able to pay the bills and have nice things if the body I'm in has been neglected and may not last long enough to enjoy those things and that roof over my head.  There's some food for thought for you to start your day.

I'm off to refill my water, get myself dressed and go see my Saturday morning tribe because that's good for my soul.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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