Thursday 26 September 2019

Day 26 #SelfCareSeptember

Thursday 26th September 2019
Do it now, sometimes later becomes never.

 I only managed a maintain at the scales yesterday which proves it's better to try than to think sod it, I've blown it.  I'd managed 4 good days, then 3 not so good days, but I balanced it out thankfully.  Yesterday was a good day, all tracked and within budget.   I enjoyed this lunch 
and then Harj gave me my tea which was as always delicious, her rice is just lush.

You can't beat good healthy food, I slept well last night too, yeah I woke up a few times but that's okay, I was in bed before half 9 and woke naturally at 4.40am, 7 hours will help me get through the day.

We're talking our WHY this week and to have energy is one of mine, but also to eat and enjoy delicious healthy food, I love tasty food and I enjoy it even more if it's healthy because I have the added bonus of knowing I'm taking care of myself.  

I loved what one of my members wrote on her joining form as her reason "Lose weight, look after me, so I can look after mine."  There's her WHY in a nutshell and I love that she knows that by looking after herself she'll then be able to look after everyone else.  What's your WHY that can be today's self care task, to have a real good think about your goals and your reasons for those goals.  We have them, they might not be easy to think about and they may be lots of different WHYs, one of mine is to be able to get down on the floor and play with Alfie, it's easier to get back up when I'm lighter and healthier, another is because I know what I eat affects my mood and energy levels.  Then of course I need to be able to take care of mom, I need to be healthy to cope with the emotional side of that situation.

I've also got to get prepared with my meals today so I'm not caught out when I get home later tonight,  just going to get me a glass of water as I took my glass downstairs yesterday to wash and didn't bring back up.

Oh yes, I was a machine yesterday, I got my clean on and decluttered my bedroom, then changed all the bedding and cleaned it all up.  One room at a time is working, I paid for it with aches and pains later mind you, but a few painkillers and I was okayish. 

I'm going to plan on clearing out the bogeyhole this weekend and getting rid of even more stuff, I'd mention my office but that ain't happening I know it isn't.  I do love the feeling of a tidy room though, it was lovely to go to bed in a room where I could see the floor last night, also knowing that there's less clothing choice to wear will make getting ready easier because there's less stuff to sort through.  

Anyway, moms awake, I'm looking forward to a busy day, 12 weeks to Christmas and all that, let's end the year lighter than we started, I'm definitely doing that this year!  Mwah,

Luv ya

Love me xx

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