Sunday 22 September 2019

Day 22 #SelfCareSeptember

Sunday 22nd September 2019
Be good.  Do good.  

Yesterday was a very good day in every way except being on track - oops!  But it's all good, one day doesn't make a bad week, I'm back on it this morning, the damage I did wasn't crazy bad but it did involve the most delicious 17SP sandwich that I'd left for mom and she hadn't eaten, when I got home and walked into hell after the WW roadshow, it was sitting there and I knew I wanted it, I'd wanted a decent sandwich all day, I'd resisted most of the lunch on offer at the roadshow so it could've been a lot worse and I had it for my dinner so it's all good.  

It really was great to get out and socialise with some of my colleagues, I don't get out much these days so really enjoyed being in a different environment even if it was for work, it was also good to be included by the business and told about where we are as a company and their plans for our future.  I left optimistic anyways.  

I love when I hear ideas in workshops and I've heard a couple this week, the first was yesterday, 'A command centre', now I know this is never going to happen in my world but it doesn't stop me appreciating the idea, if you do Pinterest go type it in and see the ideas, in a nutshell it's a place in your home where you keep important stuff, like menu plan, shopping list, keys, calendar, mail etc to help keep you organised, great idea if you're a busy working mom for sure.

The other was idea, what if you changed your to do list into your Ta dah list, I like this idea a lot, instead of just having that list of all those things you need to get done, have another one with all the things you're glad you've done.  Just think about how good that would make you feel.  We're constantly focusing on all those things we haven't managed to get done and the stuff we still have to do, but how great to stop berating ourselves for a bit and focus on the stuff we actually managed to get done.  

If you've been doing Self Care September, this is today's task, write TA DAH at the top of a page and start writing all the things you've accomplished this week, heck you could add the things you've accomplished this month, this year or even this life!  Enjoy thinking about how awesome you are for a change.  Optional: When you are finished, exclaim out loud, "Ta-Dah!"

I won't be doing my Sunday morning walk with my brother, I was woken by a rumble of thunder and a flash of lightening, it's now raining lovely out there, yeah I'm not going out in that.  I fancy a day of relaxation, give mom some attention, watch some telly, have a chillaxing kind of day, that's my self care plan for today.  I need to plan some meals for the week ahead too, as that really helped me last week.

However you plan to spend your day, enjoy it! 

Mwah, luv ya

Love me. xx

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