Tuesday 17 September 2019

Day 17 #SelfCareSeptember

Tuesday 17th September 2019
When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know.  But if you listen, you may learn something new.  Dalai Lama

Well my wonderful dog (not) had me up half the night wanting to go outside, I'm assuming he could hear foxes although I didn't, so a disturbed sleep for me, add to that the house was like a bloody furnace when we went to bed because moms always cold, so hot flushes throughout the night - YAY, thankfully we went quite early so I have had some sleep, if somewhat disturbed.   He of course is still chilling and doesn't have to go to work lol.  

Anyway's thankfully I ate good food yesterday that means I feel good in myself and it'll give me the energy I need to power me through my day, this question from a book "is your craving for food greater than your craving for life?" has helped to keep me on track the last few days, also the lyrics to a song I was listening to when I walked Alfie the other morning, the song was Harmony Hall by Vampire Weekend and the lyric was 'I don't wanna live like this, but I don't wanna die', yeah my life might not be 100% how I'd choose it to be at the moment but I don't want to abuse my body whilst it is this way and end up dead through a heart attack or some other illness.  My plan is to take care of myself, continue this self care because the only guarantee in life is change.  My life isn't all bad, it's only the joy that Alzheimers / Dementia tries to destroy that I'd remove, the rest is pretty damn good if I'm honest, I even got chatted up yesterday, I think, it's been that long I missed the signs initially lol, because I'm just not interested, I was however very flattered.  Anyway enough about that, let's show you the deliciousness I enjoyed on my plate, now if a man could make me feel as excited as a menu does, then I make rethink the whole celibacy and single life ;) 

breakfast was scrambled eggs and spinach (always try to include 1 of my 5 a day at breakfast)

6SP I had leftovers from the day before for dinner, 
quinoa and freekah with roasted vegetables

8SP Tea was a piece of salmon with Italian seasoning, roasted red pepper, peas and the best chunky chips in the world. 

Not sure what's on the menu today, but it'll be a salmon and egg omelette for breakfast I think and I'm fancying a chicken dinner with gravy, I have some chicken slices ready cooked I think, I've got a cauliflower that needs cooking, I could use some on a dinner and maybe make a curry with the other half or cauliflower cheese, we'll see. 

Today's self care task is to fit in a walk, no matter how short, the health benefits are vast, but also the repetitive activity of walking triggers the bodies relaxation response and so helps reduce  stress, at the same time even a quick 10 minute walk provides an immediate energy boost and improves mood.   Gotta be worth finding ten minutes, need convincing, heres's some of the health benefits according to experts; 

Helps in weight loss
improves heart health 
increases lung capacity
sugar cravings are lowered (ooo really)
reduces chronic diseases
improves mood
prevents cancer
prevents disability in old age
delays ageing 
improves varicose veins
lowers blood pressure
reduces stroke risk in women
decreases risk of diabetes
boosts immunity
speeds up digestion 
reduces dementia risk

WORTH A TRY AIN"T IT!  It's cheaper than joining a gym, all you need is comfortable footwear.

They recommend 10,000 steps a day, but anything is better than nothing, start where you are and improve, there's an easy walking plan on the WW website, 

This website helps you find local walks you can join onto amongst other stuff https://www.walkingforhealth.org.uk

I know I'll do at least one dog walk but I also know I could do with going and doing a walk without him when he's walking like a snail.  My ankle is still swollen and sore, it just doesn't seem to want to go away so I'm scared to do too much but I can do a 20 minute walk, yes I can, walk for 10 turn round and walk back, it's not that hard is it and 20 minutes with a good playlist in my ears will boost my mood brilliantly, I'm going to do it, yeah I am, no excuses, mom will be okay for 20 minutes, she's okay when I walk Alfie!  Are you going to fit a walk in or make excuses?  Do you want all those health benefits above or are you going to ignore what your body needs?  You decide!  

Mwah, luv ya honest 

Love me xx

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