Sunday 15 September 2019

Day 15 #SelfCareSeptember

15th September 2019
Today's moments are tomorrows memories.

Half way through our Self Care September, so are you doing the tasks?  If not maybe it's time to ask yourself, 'why not, what's stopping you?'  Is your life exactly as you want it, do you feel your best and don't need feel you need to do anything more.  Or could you do with looking at your life, is there a way that you aren't respecting yourself, your wants and needs?  What needs to happen for you to turn that around?   That's more than enough questions for a Sunday morning, you can wait to do that thinking tomorrow if you'd rather!

Sunday's are supposed to be the day of rest but I know for a lot of folk, it's the day you get things done, the laundry, meal prep stuff like that but make sure you do something you enjoy too, go back to day when we came up with a list of self care ideas that we would enjoy and do one of them, no matter how small, my self-care routine always starts with a mug of tea and my blog, it sets me up for the day.  I try to include as much self care stuff for myself as I can, it helps me stay calm and patient with mom, the second half of yesterday was not easy, she has a bad leg and I'm trying to get it better myself by cleaning and dressing it so we don't have to have the district nurses out again as she really didn't like the huge dressings they put on but she was in pain with it and being particularly dramatic, she's always been stoic, it's true that dementia seems to do a complete U-Turn on a persons personality.  Because I'd made time for me this week, I was more tolerant of her behaviour.  I'll be taking care of me too again today, I'll be meeting my brother for a walk again this morning, where hopefully I'll get to see some of those things that make me smile, herons for one, last week I saw a kingfisher, I was like a big kid, I got so exited.  Then I hope to watch a movie (mom willing), the forecast is good so I may even sit outside for a bit or when I walk Alfie later we can lie on the grass.  I'll cook a delicious meal and maybe have a bubble bath later before settling down with my crochet.

I cleaned out my freezer yesterday, trying to do a little bit of housework at a time so it gets done without doing my head in.  My bedrooms next for a polish and hoover etc, maybe today or most likely tomorrow.

I'm really enjoying cooking again, I'm seeing it as part of the self care thing, eating healthy is important and by getting a varied diet, I'm enjoying it more.  This week we've talked Carbs and it's made me want to eat them, especially the stuff I haven't eaten in a long time.  I had scrambled eggs for my breakfast yesterday to keep it as zero, I made them so perfect, I licked the bowl!  Dinner was this;

I roasted butternut squash, sweet potato, vivaldi potatoes (my fav from Sainsbury's) and carrot chunks in a teaspoon of oil for about 40 minutes, that's Schwartz Italian seasoning on the salmon, found it in the cupboard wrapped in foil for 20 minutes with tomatoes.  

Later on I was still hungry, so I cooked some wholewheat tagliatelle and made a sauce using the houmous I'd made, I just added a bit of the pasta water and it worked, threw in a handful of spinach and topped with a bit of basil and it was delicious, plus it stopped me from picking on other stuff, all I had to point was the pasta, another carb I hadn't had for a long time.

I'm hoping for another weight loss this Wednesday, need to survive today on track and in the zone, so I'll be cooking a good meal, not sure yet if it's going to be a chicken dinner, probably will be as I have some of those carb chunks left which I could use, I have some mash left which should still be okay, ready cooked sliced chicken breast, I only have to cook the cabbage and make a bit of gravy and I have dinner.  I have some sea bass that I want to do something with, was gutted the sea bream I'd ordered wasn't available as I'd never had that before.

In my shopping that did arrive, I'd ordered other carbs that I haven't had for a long time and have missed, couscous, freekah, quinoa, rice, pasta.  Usually I would buy these ready made in microwave pouches but they are cheaper buying uncooked and I have my rice maker from the WW shop that I'm going to use to cook them in my microwave, yes I'm going to get back to enjoying all food groups, not living on chicken and eggs alone!

Rice cooker - Available in workshops

Anyway, I'm spending way too much time looking for sea bass recipe / cooking ideas, I need to stop, I'm gonna spend enough time looking for freekah recipes lol, but not now, I need to get dressed and sort mom so I can go enjoy a walk along the canal paths.

Here's to a wonderful day, the sun is forecast to shine, no matter how busy you are or how much you need to get done ready for next week, try to make sure you enjoy some of it!  Mwah,

luv ya

Love me xx

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