Monday 19 August 2019

If you're happy & you know it....

Monday 19th August 2019
Find what makes you happy and get lost in it.

After the chat last week in workshops, I spent some time yesterday acknowledging the things throughout the day that were bringing me happiness.   So many things, starting from walking with Alfie on the morning, the glorious sunshine setting us up for a beautiful day, perfect temperature for walking.

Ian's dogs, so cute but cocky at the same time, our walk, the fact it was a route we hadn't done before made me happy because I didn't know what was round the corner, we ended up doing 5.5 miles because I could only guess the route without doing proper map plotting.  On our walk we saw 2 herons (WOW), I think herons put the biggest smile on my face ever when I spot them.  swans, ones that were losing their grey feathers to be replaced by white, that made me happy as I'd never seen it before.

The fresh air, our chat, the dogs barking at anything that tries to pass, seeing the car at the end of the walk because my feet were starting to blister.  Seeing how many steps we'd done, then getting a message from my sister with a photo of my dinner, check out that Yorkshire pudding - that makes me happy!

Watching a daft film on tv that actually made mom laugh a little, seeing her sleep contentedly, putting her mind at rest when she wakes and things her dreams are reality and she's going round the bend, being able to settle her and reassure her makes me happy.

Licking the plate after eating when really hungry made me happy yesterday.  Alfie being in the mood for a proper second walk when I was in the mood to go too, we walked a good hour along the local canal and I was thrilled (yes thrilled) to spot fish in the canal, lots of the too, check these out.

Little things like this make me very happy, I love nature, it's incredible, look at the structure in these plants, yep the fact I notice things like this makes me happy.

Enjoying a glass of wine always makes me happy, but enjoying it whilst having a bubble bath, well double whammy!  Then having an early night after several hours of crochet brings great peace and happiness to my world.  Actually nothing yesterday interrupted my happy, not even mom at the witching hour, I'd got my impenetrable shield up, where I'd enjoyed that much happy there was no misery getting through - not a chance!  If only I could stay in that bubble forever, dream on lol, back to reality.

I'm looking at 2 magpies out my window, that always makes me happy because I think, 2 for joy!  Today is my getting ready for the week ahead day, I like Monday's, Alfie's standing behind me waiting for a walk bless him, he's making a statement by just staring at the wall, we'll go as soon as I've finished this.  I need to do a bit of shopping, I want to make a stew, but I might have a delivery Wednesday instead and make it then, it's all been in my online basket since Friday and I've not ordered it yet, pay day on Sunday so if I can stretch out the food I've got (which I can) the stew can wait.

I have one more Antibiotic to take around 11ish, that makes me very, very happy, I sprayed my arms and legs yesterday to deter the biters and the bugger bit me on the base of my back!  So next week, I'll spray everywhere, still happy though because it's just a regular bite, it's not going crazy and spreading everywhere!

What will bring my life happiness today?  Well waking up is always a reason to smile, having my aches and pains wear off quickly as soon as I'm mobile and have stretched out a little, the promising blisters have calmed down too which is a bonus.  Already I've heard some good tunes on my radio, put a load of washing on and it looks like I'll be able to dry it outside - that makes most women happy.

What made you happy this weekend?  I could probably go on but that would make Alfie unhappy because he's losing his patience and I need to get dressed and take him out.

Let's start being aware of the things that bring us joy, also notice the things that don't and ask yourself if there's anything you can change to make a difference to those things.

It's Monday, great day to make a plan!   Have a happy day, I hope too xx

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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