Wednesday 7 August 2019

CAN you?

Wednesday 7th August 2019
Someday everything will make perfect sense.  So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.

Mid week already again, seriously this life needs to slow down for sure! Although the days themselves don't go quickly if that makes any sense...

I'm not confident for the scales this morning, not had a bad week but it's not been great either, but I made a decision yesterday to get back to taking care of me properly, I need to put a bit of effort into that.  I need to go shopping for a start, you can't make a healthy meal without the salads etc, my fridge is bare, thankfully I have some tinned veggies.  I need to stay away from M&S, I didn't do well with a week of ready meals, I'm not overly keen on them and they don't hit the spot for me at all, one now and again is alright.

As low in Smart Points as those Joseph's wraps are, there are 4 in a packet so I find myself eating the same breakfast, I know I can freeze them, but I didn't.

The one thing I know though is that I CAN DO THIS and I plan to again.

See the thing is, the only thing stopping any of us from succeeding, from winning is ourselves.  We tell ourselves we can't do something and guess what, the result is - we don't.


Just reading those words are exhausting aren't they, they drain your power and reinforce that negative noise going on in your own mind, plus it backs up any unhelpful messages others are saying to you.

Instead if we believe in our own ability to reach our goals, well the game changes and guess what, research has shown people who actually believe they can has a strong link to success.

Believe that you can reach your goal, you're more likely to reach it.

I like this idea because let's be honest changing a thought from I can't to I can, well that's not so difficult is it, it's not like you've got to go clean the kitchen, do the washing, getting the weekly shop in, now that's hard work, especially if you've got to go to work, take care of the kids (or mom in my case) and everything else you have to do.  No all I'm asking is for you to lose the 'T of can't and think CAN.   Hell let's add another CAN and turn it into a dance.

We can can! ;) get it lol

Now we've decided we CAN do this, let's break it down.  Have you got an ultimate goal?  Mine was 25lb, so I'm looking at about 11st 8lb, we need to set ourselves short-term goals and they need to be realistic.  They don't have to be I'll lose 2lb by...... they could be I won't eat crisps on weekdays or I'll only drink wine at the weekends.   

Next step, surround yourself with positivity - this bits for me is absolutely crucial!  Being around people who are succeeding on the same journey as me, motivates me and being with people who understand the struggle is so supportive.  That's why staying to a meeting and taking to other members, sharing ideas all helps, or chatting online via the groups on Facebook.

Of course we all know it doesn't run smoothly all the time so it's important not to beat yourself up, falling down isn't the issue, staying down is, so always, always get back up and get back to it.  When we have difficult times, remember to stay calm, relax when possible and minimise stress.  Be kind to yourself and do more of what makes you happy - I do this as much as possible.  Sometimes too much which is why my house is in desperate need of a good clean, thankfully my sister is incredible and she keeps my kitchen clean and tidy.

Okay Alfie wants his walk, he's scratching my leg, so are you with me, are you up for this #ICAN

I wasn't too bad yesterday, I managed two healthy meals, the snacks I had were WW ones, I did go over my dailies, but I'm focusing on the positives from today, I also managed 12k steps which ain't bad for a girl with a bad ankle.  
loving cod in butter sauce for 3SP and some smash for 4SP

I made this lower in points by having butternut squash with it.

Remember it's about doing what you can, not beating yourself up for what you can't.

Let's have a positive day, believing in ourselves shall we?

Luv ya, mwah 

Love me xx

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