Saturday 13 July 2019

Rollevers on a Friday night!

Saturday 13th July 2019
Be a flamingo, stay balanced, stay by your flock and always be fabulous!

I only ended a Friday with Rollovers, that doesn't happen, yep I went to bed (early) with I was going to say 4SP to rollover but I've just noticed I didn't track the milk I had in my 2 mugs of tea so that would make it 3SP as 100ml of skimmed milk is 1SP.  This means I have 30 weeklies left and 61 FitPoints that I can use in an emergency, I've earned 70 so far this week (since Wednesday) and despite waking up shattered yesterday I managed to earn 22 Fit Points, I didn't do my workout so walked to and from my massage appointment instead, that's almost a 3 mile round trip, earned me 7FP one way and 6FP the other, my other half hour walk only earned me 3FP, because it does know how slow you're walking and Alfie doesn't walk fast, I wasn't walking as fast as I usually do on my own, but I was walking and it all helps.

Mom was not good yesterday, in her defence, she wasn't feeling well but boy does she make a bad patient, I wasn't going to let it mess with my behaviour though and I stayed on track.  I finished the blanket, it's 1.5m square and I hope it will make a fair amount for the community cafe project,

It's so soft and chunky, a real statement blanket.  £2 a ticket (all money to charity) bargain.  

Foodwise I was super good, this honestly is all that past my lips,

breakfast, 1SP of WW cheese on egg bread 4SP total 
1SP salad

Oh and a Scotch egg I'd made, they are good.  I honestly wasn't hungry at all yesterday really and because I was doing stuff, I was distracted, so for a change I didn't think about food.

Today might be different but I'm focusing on being better when I can and moving when the opportunity strikes.  I'm off to look at nice wool today and for a bit of lunch or cake depending on where we eat.

Short one this morning, moms just got up and she's not feeling very well again this morning, so I'll go give her a bit of attention and make her a cuppa before I get ready for work.

Here's to having as good a day as possible, I've had 3 good days, I plan to have a good weekend too! Do you?

Luv ya, mwah

Love me xx

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