Thursday 11 July 2019

I only gained a pound

Thursday 11th July 2019
Owning your own story is the bravest thing you'll ever do.

Phew, I only gained a pound, I'm pleased with that, but it's 2lb on over the last 3 weeks so time to sort that out, situation as stands;

Starting weight 1st May  = 13st 4lb
Lowest achieved 19th June = 12st 9lb
Yesterdays weight 10th July = 12st 11lb

Day 1 in the bag, I ended on 21SP yesterday - BOOM!  Impressed with that, especially as I had my eating head on, I stood at scales last night thinking, I could really eat ANYTHING right now, contemplated a bag of bakes but resisted remembering I'm hoping to have lunch out Saturday or at least a coffee shop stop off, so want to save my points.   Instead of my usual 2 glasses of wine, I had a gin and tonic, but then realised I wanted a glass of wine so had that too, still ended on 21SP yay.

It really is all about filling up on zero foods, I need to shop for wafer thin chicken, chicken breasts and hard boil some eggs for in the fridge. 

As you can see from my tracker, I didn't have much for breakfast, before I got weighed I only had a mug of tea and a chicken breast, then on way home I got some fruit from Co-op and had that.

This was delicious, I rarely eat spaghetti but spotted it in cupboard and just fancied it, 3SP for that, 3SP for the bread (no spread) and 1SP for the PRB chicken breast sausage pattie.

I earned it too, I'd walked to and from my workshop and detoured a bit at the end to make it a little longer, by the end of the day, I'd done just shy of 10 miles and 21,892 steps, I wished my ankle wasn't playing up because I'm loving the walking but scared of doing serious damage, I might get some of that stretchy tube bandage and strap it up when walking just to be safe. 
Look how many FitPoints my Fitbit activity earned me - WOW, I love seeing those numbers, I really do, it makes me feel better when I go over my daily allowance. 

I was having chicken for my tea but once defrosted and cooked it didn't taste right so the foxes got that and I didn't use it as an excuse to go sideways, I had a tin of tuna, 20 olives (2SP), salad cream (1SP hidden under an egg), salad dressing (1SP) and salad, I've got a real beetroot thing going on at the moment, but when I eat it I'm waiting for me to stain something really important and be devastated, especially as the latest blanket I'm making is cream!  I'm hoping to raffle it off too, to raise funds for charity, hope people will want to buy tickets.  It's super thick, chunky, stylish and trendy I reckon.

Anyway that was my day, mom was really good, Alfie went absolutely mental when I got home last night so he is finally back to himself, I've never been so glad to hear him being a bloody nightmare.  My Workshops were great too, can't believe they had me on the floor in the first one demonstrating a bit of Pilates, I could barely get up again. 

Right now to survive another day.  I'm going to have a scrambled egg sandwich for breakfast for 3SP. I need to decide on the rest of the day, I have lots of salad leaves I want to use up, will put some on that sarnie.  Ooo I have some chargrilled chicken in freezer, 1SP each, could have that with loads of salad again and I might have a ready meal out the freezer for my tea depending on how I feel when I get home, have to have Thursday nights prepared or it all goes tits up because I end up having something that's going to blow the budget.

I know not everyone who reads this is on Facebook so I just wanted to share moms funny line from last night with you (it does involve a swear word, apologies if your delicate) as she was struggling to get up the stairs to go to bed, I said “we can always put your bed in the living room!” Her reply, “I can’t fkin carry that up stairs as well” ðŸ˜‚ she sure ain’t lost her humour.  I love it when she's on form and for the most part, she was yesterday.

Right I'm away to get ready for work, busy day, doubt I'll be fitting in an hours walking today!  Actually as I'm out so much of today, I won't even try because of leaving mom alone, unless she falls asleep.  

Here's to all of us having as good a day as we're able, we can do this if we keep trying. 

Mwah, luv ya.

Love me xx

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