Wednesday 31 July 2019

I fell into the butter dish!

Wednesday 31st July 2019
It's a slow process but quitting won't speed it up!

Weigh day for me today, I'm not sure what the scales will say, I've got a bit cocky the last few days and not really thought about the points in things, I've had proper butter on my bread, that kind of thing and it's those things that were helping me with my weight loss!  The truth is success doesn't come from what we occasionally do, it comes from what we consistently do, so I'll be reminding myself of that from today.  This weather isn't helping is it, it sucks, I love sunshine and brightness and we have enough drab weather in the winter without having it in July, how much rain does one country need!

I need to start having breakfast again, I've been skipping it, then I ended up having toast at my workshop yesterday, well that's a good 6SP that don't touch the sides, then I had bread again for lunch with these chips, 6SP in half the packet which is great because there was enough in half packet to make two thin sandwiches, which I did, I went back for another one!

This wasn't bad at all for 3SP, I added a splash of soy sauce to mine to give it a bit more flavour, but it was a decent meal and a good sized portion.

Yeah time to get a grip and stop assuming I'm doing the right things, when I know I'm being a little bit of a bugger and not following the plan even closely, just because I'm pointing things to post on Facebook/Instagram/Connect doesn't mean I'm pointing everything or tracking it all either!  If I was honest about yesterdays intake I probably had.... actually I stopped typing here and went and tracked everything I did consume yesterday and without the skimmed milk in my drinks it was 63SP easily!  But at least the peas I had were zero!  Time to give my head a wobble, get real again and continue with my journey because I've gone from 13st 4.5lb on May 1st to 12st 8lb at my last weigh-in, that's 10.5lb and I've not found it arduous at all, so I know I can continue.  My activity has gone by the wayside again, my bloody ankle is still not 100% and I'm not going to lie, I don't miss the jumping about stuff, but I do miss the walking, I'll get back to it though, if it ever stops raining and my ankle gets better. 

Until then, I'll get back to tracking and being honest about my intake, whatever the scales say this morning, I'll suck it up and soldier on because I'm worth the effort.  Hell yes I am and so are you, let's have a really, really, very, great day shall we?  I have healthy food in the fridge, eggs a plenty, and packets chicken breast, no excuses, time to lose some more weight, I want to be under 12 stone by Christmas, see what I did there, I set a goal, but not a difficult one, I've just given myself August, September, October, November and most of December, to lose 9lb, a couple of pound a month, I'd be made up with that, gives me breathing space to have bad weeks like the one I've just had.  

What's your goal?

Here's to making today count, 


Luv ya

Love me xx

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