Friday 26 July 2019

Hot ain't it!

Friday 26th July 2019
But if you never try, you'll never know....

Seriously, how glad is everyone that the forecast is cooler today, yesterday was a little ridiculous wasn't it.  It had to be my busy 12 hour day didn't it, plus I had a visit from my new manager and 2 other bosses, no pressure there then!

The day flew by as always, my members were awesome and I managed to stay sort of on track, I did indulge in a Del Monte smoothie lolly that one of my epic members bought for me at my last workshop, I devoured it, and didn't care one hoot that it cost me 5SP, it was amazing.

I needed proper food at lunchtime to help me through the day, but no one wants to spend ages in the kitchen, so I had this,

The Tilda egg fried rice is only 9SP for the entire packet, those chicken chargrills are 3SP each though, but I didn't have any cooked chicken breast in the fridge, it was pay day yesterday so I can go top up on the fresh stuff.  I roasted the grills with some leftover peppers and it was delicious.

I've just seen a 30 day happiness challenge on Pinterest and I like this idea, number 1 on their list was

1) Clean bed sheets

I'm going to do this today, especially after yesterday!  I'm going to post one thing every day for the foreseeable that I plan to do and hopefully you'll join me in the challenge, I'm not keen on all 30 on the list I saw so I'll add my own, if you have any suggestions let me know.  I posted a link the other day to a 30 day self love challenge on the WW website, this is a good one too.

Well today, I need to get my paperwork done, then I have a call with my boss re feedback from my workshop yesterday - eek, wish me luck.  Then I plan to do not a lot of anything, got my massage, hoping it'll be just hot enough to enjoy the garden, get lying on those cushions and relaxing with some music and my crochet (yes I can still crochet in this heat, although yesterday made it difficult)

I'm very tempted to get the 2 pizzas and Budweiser £5 offer from the Co-op but have resisted so far, I do love pizza, they're not bad if mom and I have 1/2 each with salad.  Maybe I will, we'll see.

Right, I'm off, here's to a very, great day, the weekends on its way.  And drink plenty of fluids!

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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