Tuesday 2 July 2019

Doing my thing

Tuesday 2nd July 2019
Going through things you never thought you'd go through will take you to places you never thought you'd get to.

Well so much for a day off, yesterday morning was spent in my shed doing my stock take and it took longer than usual mostly because I had to count all the stock in my car because we didn't do it Saturday (long story) but at least I now have a lovely organised(ish) shed and I earned steps doing it, I'd got 10k steps by lunchtime, I also did some housework, swept and mopped all the downstairs floors, moving all the furniture, that added steps too.  

As mom was snoozing once I'd down all my work, I decided I would fit in a workout, (Monday, Wednesday and Friday were the 3 days I said I'd do something), I don't know what possessed me but I opted for the Resistance Full Body 1 hour workout (On www.ltfitness.net bargain for £5 a month) and although it made me sweat like a bitch and curse at Lorraine a lot (don't worry she couldn't hear me, she was on the laptop), I did it, my new least favourite sentence is 'just one more set'.  I honestly didn't think I'd be able to get out of bed this morning but I have, I know it's always the second day it hurts but I don't mind 'good pain' if that makes sense because you know you're using muscles you haven't in a while and will get better.  
And the best of it, 65 minutes of Resistance band training earned my 8 FitPoints = bonus.

Another 21 FitPoints added to my weekly total yesterday, I like to eat and drink so I need to earn FitPoints to burn some of that off.  I wasn't too bad yesterday though, yes I was over my points but not in a bad way (makes sense in my head, what I mean is I ate healthy food but more than my points allow).  

This was delicious, the chicken was so tender and for the points so worth it, 6SP using the nutritional info but as there's chicken breast in there it would only be 4SP, I actually just questioned myself and went to check they were breasts as they tasted as good as thigh, but they are, doh it's even written on the front of the packaging on the photo.  There are however a few sliced olives on there which I absolutely love but according to the radio just are at the top of Britains most hated foods, green olives I get they aren't that great but I could honestly sit and eat a jar of black olives as a snack and at 10 for 1SP, maybe I will! 

The start of my working week, looking forward to this weeks topic as always, I'm enjoying life again full stop right now, focusing on the things that give me pleasure however small.  I've downloaded a lot of audiobooks this last week to listen too - they were on sale for £3 each, I've even included a couple of clever ones, psychology stuff, I love to learn new stuff and haven't done any for a good while, my focus hasn't been on me has it, it's been on mom but I can sit in the living room with her and my laptop and learn.  I'm going to use this phase of my life, if I can't get out, I will do things at home, online learning, on-demand exercise, yep I will not stagnate indoors whilst mom suffers from this terrible disease - it won't kill both of us!

Anyway, I need to shower and get ready for work, can't sit here typing all morning.  Catch some of you later, mwah

luv ya

Love me xx

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